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Research And Implementation Of Wideband High Resolution Frequency Synthesizer

Posted on:2018-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y GuoFull Text:PDF
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Followed by China's educational management reform deepening,construction of digital campus has become the major institutions of the inevitable trend of modern management.Moment in the digital age,how to create diversity in the school environment on a digital network,the focus of the institutions concerned.Digital Campus,is based on network technology level,take "network and computer" and other technology,the current society "resources and the environment," the three-dimensional nature of digital development,the campus existing technology start-depth expansion of teachers and students available time for the school to achieve without time and space constraints of the "digital environment",thus,enhance the students and teachers who study and work efficiency,quality of teaching and management level.Digital Campus is a school for the effective integration of all kinds of resources to expand,improve management and service levels of the campus.Currently,digital campus,focusing on building various types of applications,network-related hardware and software facilities continue to improve,building a modern campus.Campus card system,able to construct digital campus gathering information,it collected information can be used in many aspects of campus life and learning,and can be required by the application and management at the school run a unified information technology,modern environment,improve education management level.Campus Card System incorporates "computer hardware and software,network technology,encryption technology,IC cards,data security" technology,sinks the "teacher-student profile information,dormitory access control,library management,consumer" and other management services in one,to achieve a "one card in hand,around the campus."The study of the needs of colleges by the angle of departure,given the specific module content,so integrated management platform and the modules connected to each other seamlessly.The research work,according to strict software engineering and methods related to the commencement of the system launched by the "analysis,design,implementation,launched by the system "to achieve design analysis test" described its development processlaunched by the system "analysis?design?implementation?test" described its development process.On the realization of the system,the the timing diagram and flow charts discussed in detail,"Card Center,consumption management,access control,room management and books management" function modules its realization process.Before using the system,prior to its "functions and performance" for the inspection test,system test results show the correctness and feasibility of the system functions.Campus Smart Card system,enhance the of school management level,it is the future development of major institutions inevitable choice.
Keywords/Search Tags:card, IC card, management information systems, Digital Campus
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