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Research On The Simulation Of Gum Deformation In Orthodontics

Posted on:2017-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330509963604Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gum deformation simulation is an integral part in functional orthodontics system, how to quickly and realistically simulate the deformation of the gums is a complex and important issue, it is related to the quality of orthodontic system, and help to strengthen the doctor-patient communication.Based on the comparative analysis of the existing deformation algorithms, select the application based on the geometry of the Laplacian coordinate deformation method and based on the physical mass-spring model deformation method, apply to simulation of deformation to the gums. Experimental results show that the deformation method based on Laplacian coordinate such deformation results to retain the geometric characteristics of the original model, to solve the speed, the time consumption is stable, but when the grid is more complex slow strain rate, and does not reflect the deformation process of the gums caused by poor interactive experience; mass spring deformation simulation model makes the gums more biological properties, may exhibit changes in the gums creeping process, but will continue to be lost in the details of the operation and the time consumed by many factors of instability.Based on the above two methods in the distorting effect of time and other aspects of performance analysis, a way to keep the local geometric characteristics of particle-spring model, surface model based gums achieve rapid deformation simulation. Because gums model used is the irregular surface model mosaic made of triangular facets, it is difficult to add bending spring for generating a bending force. To simulate the bending effect of soft tissue paper on simplified mass spring model, the addition of a Laplacian coordinates calculated according to "spring characteristic" for each particle. Experiments show that this method can not only speed up the rate of deformation, save the geometric details of the original model, but also to show the process of change gums peristalsis.On the other hand, according to the gum special biological properties, also in the simplified mass spring model is improved, to the point on the gum surface models add "root spring" to achieve gum containing deformable body information simulation. This approach simplifies the analysis and root relationship, between the bone and gums, the establishment of the spring, the impact on the gums simulated alveolar bone deformation between the long axis of the tooth and gums. Experimental results show that this method can also reduce the number of iterations, accelerate the rate of deformation, and can also be combined with the first method, and can maintain its advantages.In this paper, from two different angles, the surface model and volume information of studies respectively gum deformation, there are many details and methods need to be explored further.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gum deformation, Laplacian coordinates, Mass-spring model, Detail preservation, Alveolar influence
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