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On The Influence Of Network Games On Junior High School Students' Moral Qualities

Posted on:2018-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M X ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present the network game market share continues to improve,junior high school students playing online games accounted for continuous improvement,adolescent Internet addiction caused by the frequent deviant behavior ",especially influence of online games on the ideological and moral of junior high school students,more and more parents,schools,social concern.As a network game the carrier of culture,we should objectively and rationally treat,play the advantage of power,to avoid the negative effects,guide the students to correctly use the Internet game.In the first part of this article through to the network game,combined with the characteristics of the network game that junior high school students is the most easily affected by the network game group.The second partAccording to the investigation,the investigation to determine the object principle,scientific and reasonable,make an investigation plan feasible,based on the survey data processing and statistical report form the network game behavior of junior high school students.In the third part,combined with junior high school students' psychological development characteristics,discusses the positive influence of online game on the ideological and moral of junior middle school students with negative effects.The fourth part in view of the influence of network game,,on the ideological and moral of junior high school students from family,school,social and other three aspects of suggestions,guide the students to correctly use the network game.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school students, online gaming, moral influence
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