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Reflective Transcendence:the Modern Meaning Of Teachers' Self-identity

Posted on:2018-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330542963453Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The social phenomenon caused by modernity as a new social operation mechanism,social relation and ideological state.The rationality,subjectivity,freedom,secularism and other ideas in the modernity have promoted the development of the science,and established the people's leading role,which has made people get rid of the depression caused by the religion and theology and embark on a free,democratic and legal way to secular life.As for the individual,to decide what kind of person to be,how to get the identity from others or society,and how to determine the value and significance of individual life and so on,have a different vision.Which makes self-identity has become an urgent,related to the problem of self-existence.Under the background of modernity,the self-identity obtain the connotation of self identity: First,the self identity was the process that the individual carried out the self-construction,which was based on the social environment;Second,the self identity was the constantly changing "interactive" product;Third,the self identify was the process of the self adjustment and self adaptation.The self-dilemma caused by modernity mainly manifests itself: First,the plight has become more prominent;Second,the main performances are the self development confusion in the rapidly changing society;Third,the selective plight of self development in the multicultural background,and the trust crisis of self development under the risk of the professional and abstract system knowledge.In the case of a teacher,self-identity has become teacher self-development,professional promotion and improvement of the core issues and important self-development path.The crisis of teachers' self-identity brought by modernity mainly includes: First,in the face of the technical crisis of modern scientific arrogation;Second,the subjective philosophy leads to the alienation of teachers' roles;Third,the lack of teacher 's sense of security leads to a crisis of trust;Fourth,the diversification of functions shelters the self-existence of teachers.These crises have become the fetters of teachers 'self-development,overcoming these fetters,perfecting teachers' self-identity under modernity,teachers need to: First,the teachers' self-identity must return to the life;Second,the subjectivity epistemology should be dispelled,to come into the intersexuality of the subjectivity;Third,the reflection must become vital in teachers' life;Fourth,teachers should overcome the state of anxiety,build a body of security trust relationship;Fifth,teachers should adapt to the diverse and complicated social life through re-skill and re-cognition with the integration between the value of education and the meaning of self existence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modernity, Reflection, Teacher self-identity
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