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A Study On The Characteristics And Development Countermeasures Of "Jiangsu Thai Micro Course"

Posted on:2018-02-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J MaFull Text:PDF
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Nowadays,with the fast development of IT,we are changing the way of production,life style and learning from the aspects of economic development and social life."Big data","cloud computing" and "Internet plus" such overwhelming hot words can be seen and heard everywhere.Flipped classroom,MOOC and micro courses of these educational information has gradually become familiar to the majority of teachers and students.In 2012,Jiangsu Province,Taizhou City Board of education started the implementation of the education transformation and development of"163" action plan of Taizhou City,and successfully launched the small micro class resources platform,named "Jiangsu Thai micro class acts the same as the Ministry of education "education informatization ten year development plan"(2011-2020).Thai micro class has now become free teacher of about 300000 students.students can be helped everywhere and the Thai micro course are highly spoken by the teachers,students and parents.However,in the course of the construction and application of the course,the author found some short board of the resource platform,which became the bottleneck of its development.Therefore,it is of great significance to promote the fairness of education,improve the quality of education,innovate the education mode,and serve the teachers and students better.Here are the main contents of this study:The first part is introduction.In the context of educational informatization,this paper describes the background and significance of the study,methods and ideas,the definition of the relevant core concepts,research review and the characteristics of the Thai micro courses.The second part is the theoretical analysis of the implementation strategy of the development strategy.In this part,the target value of the Thai micro course is discussed,and the idea of how to embody the students as the main idea is expounded.At the same time,it analyzes the two theories of the modernization of educational technology and the characteristics of the classroom teaching model of the micro and micro courses.The third part is the investigation and research of the current situation of the application of the Thai micro course in the classroom teaching.First of all,we choose 5 public junior high schools of Taizhou City Hailing District as the research object,the investigation and analysis of the Thai micro class in the area of the juniormiddle school English teaching practice and teachers and students in Thailand micro lesson to understand the situation,and analyzes the problems and reasons.The fourth part is the practice and exploration of the implementation of the development strategy.This paper mainly explores the combination of Thai and English Teaching in junior high school.In this part,combined with the characteristics of junior high school English teaching,the teaching design,micro Thailand Thailand micro teaching design method and strategy,Thailand micro class in junior high school grammar,listening and review in the teaching design case,the final evaluation of the Thai micro teaching effect,at the same time from the school management,teachers and students in three aspects put forward suggestions for the development of Thailand micro class.The fifth part is the reflection of the research,points out the limitations of the study,and prospects for the follow-up research.
Keywords/Search Tags:the characteristics of the course, development countermeasure, application
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