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Current Situation Of College Students' Gratitude And Its Countermeasures Research

Posted on:2018-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Y QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518965673Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gratitude is a kind of spiritual treasure,is an invisible force,it can nourish the soul,to promote social harmony.However,in today's society there are some people become the slaves of the pursuit of material,and neglect the cultivation of their own spiritual quality,also forget gratitude.The current college students are the best in the youth group,but some college students in real life have some kind of ungrateful behavior,which has some bad effect,this caused a lot of people,including the author,to think.In this regard,this research embarks from the reality,to respect the objective facts as the basis,analysis and research on the current situation of college students' gratitude,pointing out the existing problems and analysis,and put forward the corresponding countermeasures.On the basis of reviewing the literature,this study according to the objective reality,compiled "the present situation of college students gratitude and gratitude education questionnaire ",and carried out a classification sampling questionnaire survey on some college students in Henan University,to explore the performance of the current college students in cognition,emotion,practice three dimensions about gratitude,and their perception and evaluation of the current gratitude education situation.At the same time,through the way of interview,in-depth understanding of college students for the real feelings about gratitude and gratitude for the different views of education.The following results were obtained through the study:(1)the current college students gratitude overall situation in a good level,especially in the sense of gratitude cognitive dimension scored highest,gratitude emotion dimensions is second,but the practice of gratitude is a relatively poor score,there is a large gap with the cognitive and emotion dimensions,and college students on the current evaluation of gratitude education is low,it is show that college students have higher demands for gratitude education.(2)there are differences between the current college students' performance,the girls of gratitude condition is better than boys,and significant difference;science students gratitude situation slightly better than liberal arts students,but the performance of science students grateful polarization is more serious than the liberal arts;college students in different grades are different,from the overall,the best performance of freshman,sophomore,senior third,junior the worst;and between the only child and non only child,rural students and urban students,the difference between the two is not significant.(3)the current situation of college students' gratitude also presents some problems,which should not be ignored.First of all,thanks to their limited cognition,makes their cognition and evaluation of a lot of things lacks objectivity;secondly,the current college students gratitude emotion is not deep,irrational,poor stability;finally,they lack of gratitude practice,presents the obvious phenomenon that knowing and doing are different.(4)The current college students are not entirely satisfied with the current gratitude education,they put forward various educational advice from different angles,which most of the students hope to improve the current situation of gratitude education through the joint efforts of school,society and family etc.They hope to have more practical opportunities to transform their gratitude into action,they also hope to have rich and colorful education content and various forms of education methods to mobilize students learning enthusiasm and initiative of gratitude practice.According to the research results and the related theory,this paper analyzes the implicit reasons from two aspects of the internal and external,and puts forward the specific countermeasures from four aspects: individual,social,school and family,so as to realize the "four in one" Education system,work together in the current gratitude education of college students.Most importantly,gratitude education should not be isolated,static and one-sided,and should be a united force,multi pronged,according to local conditions,flexible and comprehensive.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, gratitude status, countermeasures
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