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Research On The Application Of Portfolio Assessment In Primary School Art Teaching

Posted on:2018-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
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The evaluation is the key of the art courses,the primary school should take the evaluation which is conform to the students' cognitive level,and incentive the students'learning interests and self-confidence,various and optional.With the development of the 21st century information technology and the advent of the era of network,The new curriculum reform advocates establishing everything in order to promote students'development as the core concept of curriculum evaluation system.Gradually from once only pay attention to the screening and selection of evaluation function to pay attention to the development of evaluation function,to pay attention to cultivate the students'comprehensive quality,cultivate students' positive learning attitude,innovation consciousness,practice ability and a healthy body and mind quality,lay a foundation for the lifelong development of students.As a way of qualitative evaluation-portfolio assessment,due to comply with the concept and goal of new curriculum reform in our country,so went into the primary and secondary schools in our country,especially widely respected and widely application of elementary educztion evaluation reform.However,there are many pitfalls in practice,led to the portfolio assessment has become a school whether the mark of the evaluation reform,the manual of the students' test scores,even the students compare and competition between platforms and parents to monitor student medium.Therefore,this article through to the portfolio assessment in the elementary school fine arts teaching application research,interpreted the nature of portfolio assessment,explore what portfolio assessment method in the elementary school fin arts teaching advantages,and through to the current portfolio assessment in the elementar school fine arts teaching to analysis the cause of the difficulties,in order to find the portfolio assessment reasonable application in the elementary school fine arts teaching strategy,to make the portfolio assessment really become the good method in the art teaching in primary school.There are five chapters in this research:Chapter 1 the background,status quo and research purpose,meaning and method statement are presented;Chapter 2 analysis the advantages of the portfolio assessment in primary school art teaching by unscrambling the portfolio assessment and the primary school art teaching,to show the status quo of the application of portfolio assessment in primary school art teaching.Chapter 3 analysis the reason why it's hard to promote the portfolio assessment in primary school art teaching,including the problem of assessment format in portfolio assessment,the heavy workload of portfolio assessment,and the choice of the portfolio.Chapter 4 introduce the objiect,method,process,result of the portfolio assessment,to show the case of the application of portfolio assessment in primary school art teaching.Chapter 5 The application strategy of the application of portfolio assessment in primary school art teaching,including unequivocal the purpose and application,determine the subject and the object of the portfolio assessment,determin the file to be collected,evaluation criteria.
Keywords/Search Tags:portfolio assessment, primary school, art teaching, application
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