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The Study Of College Students' Citizen Awareness Education

Posted on:2018-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518489815Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the acceleration of the process of social modernization,citizen awareness has gradually aroused widespread concern in the community.Although the concept of "citizen" is not a short time to enter the public view,but due to historical and practical reasons,people's understanding of power and obligation is not perfect,and there is no complete concept of civic consciousness.Citizen awareness is a kind of social consciousness,mainly refers to the citizens for their own national master status,should enjoy the rights and obligations of consciousness,although a person has a different identity in the community,but not at all times fuzzy their citizenship.Citizen awareness education is to cultivate self-identity and loyalty to the responsibility of the citizens of the country,although China's citizen awareness education started late,but the state is particularly concerned about the party's 17 and 18 have stressed the need to strengthen citizen awareness education,Moral construction,at this stage of citizen awareness education is particularly necessary.Contemporary college students as the backbone of the future social development,not only to master the lucrative knowledge,but also should have a modern awareness of high-quality citizens,but at this stage,most colleges and universities did not set up a special citizen awareness education courses,more and more in the ideological and political education in the penetration of its citizen awareness education,therefore,the education of citizen awareness of college students to be strengthened.The education and cultivation of citizen awareness of college students can not only enhance the overall quality of college students,but also the deep social value carried by individual growth itself.On the one hand,it can explore the way of citizen's consciousness education more reasonable,on the other hand strengthening the education of college students' citizen awareness is the general trend of the development of our country's modernization,and it is possible to push forward and promote the process of democracy and legalization in our country.Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to carry out civic awareness education for college students.Based on the combination of theory and practice,this paper analyzes the necessity and the core connotation of college students' citizen awareness education after analyzing a lot of literature and practice,and mainly includes the state Consciousness,sense of power andresponsibility,sense of rule of law,moral consciousness.On the basis of this,the author explores the present situation and existing problems of college students' civic awareness education,and finds that the citizen awareness education of college students lacks systematic,synergy,subjectivity and practice at the present stage.The reason is mainly influenced by traditional culture and social environment As well as the purpose of education three aspects.To this end,this paper puts forward the path choice of college students' citizen awareness education: improve cognition,change the concept;play the main role of Marxist theory course and ideological and moral education course;actively participate in practice,get new knowledge in practice.In addition,this article discusses the infiltration of citizen awareness education in the mainstream ideology shaping process,and provides a new dimension for the path selection of college students' citizen awareness education.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, citizen awareness, education
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