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The Discussion For Teacher's Role In The Interaction Between Students And Students In High School Ideological And Political Course

Posted on:2018-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330518456339Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of quality education and new curriculum reform,the interaction between students and students is becoming more and more concerned as a form of classroom interaction.Cooperative learning and inquiry learning are the development of life and life as important human resources.The importance of students' subjectivity and companions is being re-recognized.At the same time,the majority of educators generally recognizes the interaction between students and students is a teaching organization and teaching strategies,and it is widely used in the teaching practice of various disciplines.The nature of the ideological and political courses in high school determines that the classroom teaching must pay attention to cultivating students' social communication ability,enhancing the intelligence level in the positive interaction,stimulating the potential of all aspects,and realizing the socialized development gradually,so as to participate in the modern social life and lay a solid foundation.Through the teaching and research activities and teaching interviews,high school ideological and political teachers generally recognizes the importance of interaction between students and students,and in the classroom teaching more frequent organizations to carry out interaction,but the prevalence of random,disorder,cautious,superficial,lack of emotion Resonance and other issues.The deep reason behind it is mainly due to the teacher in the interaction between the students and students is not strong sense of the role of lack of role caused by improper behavior.However,most researchers overlook this key factor when conducting research,or research is only point to date,not fully developed.In this study,I use literature,classroom observation,teaching interviews and case studies and other research methods,mainly from the following six parts to explore:The first part:explain the reasons for the study of the problem,clear the meaning of the topic.Through the collation and analysis of relevant literatures,it is found that the research on the interaction between students and students in the academic community has a steady trend,but the literature on the role of students in the interaction between students and students is relatively small,and the research on the ideological and political classroom.Therefore,this study takes the ideological and political courses of high school as the research background,and explores the role of teachers in the interaction between students and students,which is of great significance to the enrichment of modern interactive teaching theory and teacher's role theory,and to promote the students' High school ideological and political lessons have practical results have important theoretical and practical significance.The second part is about the teacher's role in the interaction between students and students.It is suggested that the interaction between students and students is a kind of teaching organization form and teaching strategy,and further elaborates the educational goal that teachers should use to realize the interaction between students and students.The main purpose of this part of the theoretical discussion is to lay the foundation for teachers to accurately grasp their role in the interaction between students and students.The third part:Combine the nature of the subject and the interaction between students and students,elaborate the multiple roles played by teachers in the interaction of students and students,including the trust and incentive of students' learning,the designers of interactive learning programs,the organizations and instructors of interactive implementation The adjustment of the conflict,the development of the productive resources and the interaction of the leader,and combined with the specific teaching practice analysis of teachers in the realization of multiple roles in the problem.The fourth part analyzes the problems in the realization of teachers' role in the interaction between students and students in the ideological and political course of high school.Around the role of teachers is not strong,lack of role,the role of improper behavior in three aspects to elaborate.Teachers' role in the realization of the problems,a direct impact on the actual effect of life and life interaction.The fifth part:In view of the problems of teachers' role in the interaction between students and students in high school ideological and political education,the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of role learning and the conditional support of the school,combined with ideological and political compulsory 3 "cultural life" "Traditional culture inheritance" teaching lesson,analysis of teachers to achieve multiple roles.The sixth part:summarizes and summarizes the research,and puts forward the prospect of the future research work.
Keywords/Search Tags:ideological and political course in high school, interaction between Students and Students, teacher's role
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