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Value Care In Teaching Chinese Reading In Primary Schools

Posted on:2018-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J RanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330515984507Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading teaching is not only the main content of Chinese teaching,but also an important way to cultivate students' reading ability and implement humanistic education.However,in the practice of reading teaching,utilitarianism is prominent,teachers ignore the students 'life value,lack of attention to students' feelings,attitudes and values.In view of this situation,this paper puts forward the value of care in reading teaching.The paper analyzes the current situation,the existing problems,the strategies and the problems that should be paid attention to in the process of implementing the strategy.The full text is divided into three:The first part of the survey was conducted in Chongqing Coral Zhongtie Elementary School,and the students and language teachers of the fourth grade were investigated and interviewed respectively.The purpose of this study was to understand the current situation of primary school language reading teaching.Through the questionnaire survey,interview,classroom observation,case analysis,the main problems of primary school Chinese reading teaching are as follows: reading teaching content tendency of teaching;reading teaching comes beyond the text,outside of the author;lack of effective teaching goal;The personalized reading was desalinated.The second part puts forward the strategy of integrating value in reading teaching from the aspects of students' multiple existence,life value,subject status and text value.Adhere to the pursuit of the nature of the people,care for students of self-diversity of the understanding.Digging the rich cultural connotation of the textbook,clear the self existence;persist in the value of life,care for the physical and mental development of students.Wake up the students' emotions,fill the gaps in the cognitive students;adhere to the main value,care for students to read interest.Through the activities,innovative teaching forms,effective incentives and other methods to develop students' reading interest;adhere to the value of the text,care for the long-term development of students.Fully excavate the text of the aesthetic,cultural,thinking and other resources,and its integration into the teaching of reading for the long-term development of students lay the foundation.The third part is about the use of value care strategies to pay attention to the problems and the basic requirements of teachers.First of all to correctly handle the relationship between knowledge education and human culture;secondly,to correctly understand the student's dominant position and the dominant position of the teacher;finally require the teacher to improve his knowledge through reading,while doing a rich person.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary school language, reading teaching, value care
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