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Research On The Application Of "Less Teaching And More Learning" In "Economic Life"

Posted on:2018-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiFull Text:PDF
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"less teaching and more learning" as a long-standing philosophy of education have been respected,with the development of the times and the development of educational reform,people strengthen the reflection of the past teaching practice and the deep thinking of the relationship between "teaching" and "learning".But it can not be denied that the teachers and students in many areas do not respond to the call of the new curriculum reform.In the political teaching,the teaching mode of "indoctrination" and "injection" is still used.Through literature,conversation and other methods,we have learned that "less teaching,more learning" has achieved remarkable results in Singapore's educational reform.In China,more and more academic papers on "less teaching and more learning" have been carried out,and some experiments have been carried out in some areas.At present,"less teaching,more learning" in the Chinese language research results are relatively large,but there is no more mature research in the political discipline.Combined with the current situation of political classroom teaching and the specific requirements of the new curriculum reform,how teachers teach and students how to learn become the question we should ponder over.In the first part of the thesis expounds the "teach less,learn the connotation of" concept,namely,teachers should guide,inspiration,inspiration and creative development of "teaching";"fine teaching",to teach the nature of the content,the subject thinking and learning methods,should give full play to learn initiative,students can realize "learn more".At the same time,it emphasizes the importance of "less teaching and more learning" in the teaching of economic life.The second part of theauthor on the basis of "less teaching and more learning" concept and the guiding ideology of "economic life" features of the textbook selected and everyone is close to the colorful life "consumption" lesson,"new teaching","exercises" two class type design and implementation.Through practice that "less teaching and more learning" in line with the concept of modern education idea,"Teach less,learn more" in the implementation of the concept of "economic life" in the transformation of students' impression of the political class stereotypes,not only stimulate students' interest and enthusiasm,cultivate the students' ability of independent study and cooperation,enhance the emotion of teachers and students in the democratic and harmonious classroom the same time,teachers have to play a "leading" role,enhance the comprehensive the quality of their own.After practice,the teacher must do "elaboration",fully respect the student body position,the "multi learning" power return to the student.At the same time,the author provides some general suggestions from stimulate student interest in learning,heterogeneity within the group division,optimization of teaching,the teachers' professional quality aspects for future researchers to create "less teaching and more learning" under the concept of the political class,but also for the new curriculum reform in senior high school politics teaching provides a practical basis and new thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:less teaching and more leaning, colorful consumption, application, suggestion
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