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Research On The Three Stage Hierarchical Progressive Writing Teaching Model

Posted on:2017-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330488478557Subject:Language Curriculum and Pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Three-phase layered progressive writing teaching mode is in study students psychological characteristics and law of writing teaching based,on the basis of absorbing and drawing lessons from the advanced experience in writing teaching training sequence and writing teaching mode,proposed construction throughout the students from primary school to senior high school writing,to write "virtual composition-Realistic composition-Innovation composition" for students not period of training on writing teaching mode.The intention of writing teaching in "disorder,and invalid" writing training state change,the teachers more scientifically and efficiently guide the students writing can refer to the instruction template and example.The main body framework of the Three-phase layered progressive writing teaching mode is "virtual composition-Realistic composition-Innovation composition" three levels,each level was typical and selected the suitable for students not period of students' physical and mental development characteristics of writing style,form,with emphasis on the "write" virtual composition of primary school is a typical "look at the picture composition,virtual environment composition,imagine writing" and "realistic writing" to the junior middle school stage,with emphasis on the comparatively typical "live composition,composition,composition of life" and focusing on "innovation" composition of high school is a typical "opening composition,individuation composition,exploring the composition" teaching system and mode.In order to demonstrate the rationality of the phase three layered progressive teaching mode construction,this paper from the practical problems existing in the writing teaching and writing teaching should pursue,in the "writing" "writing" process "communicative context writing" course paradigm based on the analysis of the pros and cons,reconstructed the based on the writing of the law of students' learning and writing teaching type.Besides,based on different stages under different types of writing teaching corresponding writing training purpose and writing teaching strategies,trying to build theoretical sequence and the unity of practical writing teaching mode,hope that the "progressive hierarchy,thus,comprehensive open" the writing teaching model can effectively solve students in training because of the problem of "rework".
Keywords/Search Tags:writing, writing teaching, the writing teaching mode, The three stage hierarchical progressive writing teaching mode
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