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Research On The Social Support Of Underage Children

Posted on:2019-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,due to the rapid development of economy in our country,the social contradictions increasingly prominent,the crime rate rising,crime personnel gradually younger age,leading to the emergence of this group inmates minor children.Inmates minor children as social vulnerable groups,because of parents for their daily lives will be affected by a certain degree.No matter from the material aspect,or from the point of mental health,inmates minor children have had to bear the brunt of the face.Most of this group will therefore not guaranteed life,the imperfection of the social assistance,schools,government and society in the social support of the community is much lower than their needs.So this article will take the inmates minor children as the research object,with the social support theory as the theoretical basis of this article research,and explore the present status of inmates minor children social support,and the feasibility of improving measures are put forward according to actual situation.This paper is divided into six chapters,chapter one introduction.The introduction is mainly from the background of topic selection,significance of topic selection,review of domestic and overseas research,and research innovation and deficiency.Based on the author's status as a police officer,this paper is more convenient in data collection,and studies the feasibility of the study,so as to study the social support of the underage children.Chapter two basic theory and research method.First of all inmates minor children,and makes a concrete theory in this paper,the social support,secondly to this article research methods of literature study and in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey to make specific instructions.The third chapter is the status quo of social support for the underage children.The fourth chapter is the problems and causes of the social support of the underage children.The fifth chapter is the social support improvement measures for the underage children in China.Chapter 6 conclusion,summarize the full text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prisoners, Minor children, social support, Present situation, Measures
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