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Research On The Problem Of Community Correction In The Context Of Socialized Penalty Execution

Posted on:2018-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330542465124Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Execution is the execution of Penalty.The so-called Law is not sufficient on its own.A legal proverb says,"Execution is the end and fruit of law(excutioestnniset-fmctuslegis)." Research on the Problem of Socialized Penalty Execution is the demand of civilized society.Offenders will be executed the sentence in community,responding to the trend of socialized execution.Community Correction as a bridge for prisoners to return to society,with low cost,high social scene advantages,to better achieve the purpose of executing the punishment of criminals and return to the society.In this paper,the problem of community correction in the context of execution socialization is divided into six parts.The first part,the reasonable connotation of the socialization of execution and reasonable position.Carry out what is the essence of the socialization of execution that we adhere to.First of all,it is necessary to fully understand the reasonable connotation of the socialization of execution of punishment,also needs to be clear about the execution,the socialization,and the socialization of execution.Secondly,Accurate positioning execution socialization from the relationship of Socialized execution and Criminal Policy,the relationship of Socialized execution and Social Structure,should be neither too radical nor too conservative.The second part is about the definition of Community Correction in the context of Execution Socialization.First of all,the nature of Community Correction is the way of execution or security measures? Is a single nature or comprehensive nature? Secondly,a reasonable interpretation of the concept of Community Correction.In order to reach a consensus in theory and practice.Thirdly,to define the scope of application of Community Correction and master its applicable scale.Special demonstration of temporary probation and deprivation of political rights is included in the implementation of Community Correction.Finally,to clear the guiding ideology of Community Correction,in order to correct the development of Community Correction in the track.The third part,the origin of Community Correction,including the theoretical origin and practice.Back in the theory and practice reference is an important foundation for further implementation of Community Correction.The fourth part is about the achievements of Community Correction,including the achievements in the field and the achievements in foreign countries.The summary of the experience and the localization of the outstanding experience abroad are the path of the development of Community Correction.The fifth part,the reality of Community Correction,the main selection of the ideological understanding,the application rate,because the ideological understanding and the application is the direct cause of social execution.Understanding the dilemma is to get out of the predicament.The sixth part,the improvement of Community Correction.This paper discusses the legislative perfection of the Community Correction,the modernization of the concept,the execution of the punishment,the management of the main body and the improvement of the risk assessment method.Sort out the problem of Community Correction is to pay attention to the execution of social reform in the local execution of the global trend of reform,and to make the corresponding adjustment,based on the local fusion,realize the further modernization of China's community correction system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Socialized Penalty Execution, Community Correction, Existing Achievements, Realistic Predicament, Perfection
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