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MAO Zedong's Thinking On Propaganda Work And Enlightenment

Posted on:2018-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330536476584Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
MAO zedo ng's think ing on propaganda work is a part of MAO zedo ng thou ght,for the dev elop ment o f th e Chin ese co mmu nist party propaganda play an imp ortant gu iding role.In the l ong-term practice o f Chin ese revolu tion,MAO zedong 's understanding o f the party's propaganda work are su mmarized and refined,formed a distinctive pro paganda thou ght.Althou gh time has been a long time,bu t MAO zedon g propaganda and id eolo gical content is very rich,is v ery pro fou nd,impact i s also very pro fou nd,it will be for u s today ho w to do propaganda wo rk has very goo d referen ce valu e,for cont emp orary China to carry ou t the party's p ropaganda work provides theoretical basis and practical basis,bu t also for the vast nu mber o f grassroot s advocacy work ers provides gu idelines and develop ment d irection.First part of this thesis is divid ed into three parts,the paper sel ected topic signifi cance,research statu s and method s as well as the paper analyzes the innovation points,etc.Body will is analyzed and discu ssed from th e followin g fou r aspects: on e is the formation o f M AO zedo ng propaganda thou gh t and theory o f origin.T he historical process o f formation is divid ed into fou r stages,in clu ding germination stage,forming stage,mature stage,stage o f develop ment;T heory origin is based on the t heory o f marxist propaganda work and the relationship between the Chinese traditional cu ltu re thou ght to is exp ou nded and analyzed.An d persp ective of MAO zed ong in hi s article,borrowed a lot of the ancient literati,statements,increase the per suasive and appealing for his article,fu lly display the profou nd connotation o f Chinese traditional cu lture.T he second i s the main content o f M AO zedon g's think ing on propaganda work.Respectiv ely divided into p ropaganda work of th e p osition and fu nction,basic principles,main task s,method s,strategies and qu ality requ irement s.Propaganda work in the con stru ction of th e co mmu nist party of China MAO zedon g pla yed an important role in gu iding,fu ndament ally promote and implement the line,principles and policies of the commu nist party of China,is the weapon of the masses;T he sou l of M AO zedo ng's pro paganda work i s abou t the party spirit,exten sive propaganda ac tivities;T he aim o f serving th e p eopl e is th e essen ce of propaganda work properties;Mod e o f div ersity,richness a nd targeted;T he comrades propaganda work to strength en their own learning and professio nal training.3 it is the basic characteristics of M AO ze do ng's think ing on propaganda work.Inclu ding high party spirit gu ide,people orient ed,strong practical attribu tion.T he people are the mak ers of history,insist on the u nity of the party spirit and u niversal,insi st on learning,k nowledge and tru th from pr actice is the fine style of work of the commu nist party of China.Fou r is the MAO zedon g thou ght propaganda work of co ntemporary enlight enment.Propaganda work mu st adhere t o the leadership o f the party,emb ody th e p eople-orient ed,adhere to the princi ple o f seek ing tru th,optimization of media ecology,strengt hening pu blic opinion gu idance.Propaganda work to k eep highly co nsi stent with the commu nist party of China in p olitics always,adh ere to th e work ing attitu de of seek ing tru th from facts,pu blic opinion gu ide mu st adhere to the correct orientation,completely con form to the objectiv e reality and peopl e's life d eeply.Propaganda thou ght is marxism-lenini sm MAO zed ong thou ght propaganda work to form th e theoretical basis.MAO zedon g's think ing on propaganda work to strengthen the party's propaganda work effective,the revolu tion o f the co mmu nist party of China for u s to p oint the way forward.Bu t also to the lin e,principles and policies of th e co mmu nist party o f China and advo cated to the masses o f the peo ple in the pu blicity,improv e the u nderstanding,u nify the thou ghts,b oost con fidence,enhance the people's political consciou sn ess,and to prevail in the war of resi stance has established th e solid fou ndation.
Keywords/Search Tags:MAO zedong, Propaganda work, revelation
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