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The Analysis Of Model Education Under The New Media Environment

Posted on:2018-08-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330518491658Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since ancient times of China, Model education has been acted an indispensable role in the social and historical development, and has made great contributions to enlightening and maintaining social stability.However, as the increasing development of globalization, changing of lifestyle, the shortage of spiritual and the influx of diverse values, the Model education is getting in trouble. At the same time, as the rapid development of new media technology, the traditional model education does not fit with modern way of life and thinking habit. Therefore, the effectiveness of Model education is underestimated.In the face of this situation, we need to refer to the theory, combine with the plight of the current Model education, and explored ways of Model education under new media environment. The paper is divided into five parts: the first part discusses the research background,significance, domestic and foreign research status, innovations and research methods. The second part is the basic concept of Model education?research theory?basic methods and basic elements. Based on the summary and analysis of the related concepts, such as example education and new media. The third part takes the social form as the distinction, the educational carrier as the research direction, combing the education carrier of Model education in different social and historical periods of our country. From the educators?students and educational carrier, the fourth part analyzes the advantages and dilemmas of the Model education in the new media age. The fifth parts comes up with effective ways to solve current predicament, and hopes to have a positive influence on current Model education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model education, new media, Education carrier Educators
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