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A Survey On The Civil Servants' Job Satisfaction Of Sichuan Provincial Offices

Posted on:2018-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2346330512988237Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,civil service exams have been attracted more attention.It often appears that dozens,hundreds,and even thousands of people have competed for a job.The society seems to have a consensus that civil servants have a stable work,high income and higher social status.However,when the eight rules being implemented and anti-corruption work being steady promoted,we often see it in newspaper that civil servants,especially grass-roots civil servants,feel more pressure,lower income and narrow promotion channel.On the one hand,more people want to be civil servants,on the other hand,civil servants community complains incessantly.Why will appear the "Besieged City" phenomenon?In the new period of historical development,service-oriented government construction is gradually deepening,and there is more attention to public sector human resources management.Job satisfaction directly affects the efficiency of the staff.And civil servants are service personal of the government which directly face people,then government efficiency is closely related to their job satisfaction.Therefore,it is important to investigate the job satisfaction of civil servants and explore the factors that affect the job satisfaction,and then give some suggestions to enhance the job satisfaction,improve the efficiency and the image of the government.It is a popular research direction in management and psychology to research job satisfaction.However,domestic and foreign research almost has paid more attention to the employees,and there is little concern and research on the civil servants.This study focuses on the job satisfaction of civil servants in Sichuan provincial organs.Through combining theoretical research with positivistic dynamic research,there are literature research,structured interviews,questionnaires,open interview and other methods in the study.The questionnaire includes work system satisfaction,work return satisfaction,work duties satisfaction,work environment satisfaction and work relationship satisfaction.Using SPSS quantitative analysis,Pearson Test,public factor exploration and T test,the study analyses the questionnaire,and then analyses the status quo of the job satisfaction of civil servants in Sichuan provincial organs.There are some suggestions to improve job satisfaction of civil servants in the study through many aspects,including reducing the health factors impacted job satisfaction,increasing motivator and so on.The study will provide effective reference for public sector human resources management...
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil servants, Job satisfaction, Motivator
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