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Community Governance Reforms Driven By Service Innovation-a Case Study

Posted on:2018-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H D HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330536956020Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Community governance system in Shen Zhen has go through the period of the village to the system of the community,street system,two stops,and the depart of station and community successively as economic development.However,in the post-depart of station and community period,Shen Zhen also is facing some dilemma of the community administration,such as the boundary of location management between the government and the community being not clear,the community workstation is overloaded and over-administrative,and the community committees being marginalization.In the meanwhile,the above obstacles obstruct the development of the community service,including community service autonomy being efficiency,the mismatch between the supply and the demand of the community service.,and the community service enhancing.Numbers of Community participants are increasing and the demand of the resident are becoming various as community economic development,which the classical community governance system and the community service are not always conformed to currently.Moreover,government purchasing social organization service plays a key role in the reform of the community governance even in switching the ways to offer public service.Stepping up efforts to government purchasing public service and activating the totality of social organization including supporting the work of the social organization have been highlighted as the issues during deepening the allround reform the in the Party the third Plenary Session of the 18 th CPC Central Committee.In the year 2007,the new community service innovation that government purchasing,private operation had been the first to launch.The innovation that government purchasing service from social work institutions had been activated in three year later.By switching the mode of the community service and rebuilding the organization of the community service,also containing the optimizing the mechanism of the social service,leading to reform of the community governance,in the meantime,developing the community service,which has a reference value to other developing community.Based on the above,this paper concentrated on the effect on the the community of the Shenzhen bay that the innovation brings in.Through carefully analyzing the service innovation mode in Shen Zhen Bay,which is so-called one platform and two centers,also comparing the system of community governance between the ordinary community and the community of the Shen Zhen Bay,this thesis probes the reform of the community governance system driven by the community service innovation in Shen Zhen Bay.The results shows that this service innovation has make some difference.By the way of switching community service mode though purchasing service,setting social comprehensive service center to rebuild the social service organization,even,normalized the optimizing the mechanism of the community service,leading recombining the social organization and improving the system of the community governance.The change about the structure of Shen Zhen Bay community is accelerating the process of the reconstructing of function of the community organization,which is the relation between the community and the street being belonging to hiring,community party committee being changed to relative leader,the effect of the resident's participating being strength.The mechanism of the operating in Shen Zhen Bay community are diversity,such as the professionalism of the worker being stronger,the evaluation mechanism government incentive being transformed to resident incentive,the working style being more standard.The reform of the function of the organization and operating mechanism,which is driven by service innovation,has some influences on the community governance system and community service,also attracting more attentions.In respect of community governance system,the boundary of the rights and powers between the streets and community is more definite,the core utility of the Party is stronger,the same is to the social community autonomy.Regarding the community service,It has promoted the enthusiasm of the community affairs,the working efficiency and the satisfaction of the residents.Moreover,more attentions,including the acceptance of the authorities and experts,media report,etc.are occupied to the innovation of the community governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:community service, purchasing service, community governance system
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