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The Existing Problems And Countermeasures Of Qingdao Police Officers Incentive Measures

Posted on:2018-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330518956081Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to further enhance the enthusiasm and efficiency of public security police officers,the public security system has been constantly trying to stimulate the theory and the effective combination of public security police team management.In the past,the lack of flexibility in the management of public security police officers,the lack of incentive and restraint mechanism of modern significance,mainly follow the traditional laws and internal regulations and other rigid regulation,seriously bound the vitality of police officers,formed a law-abiding regulations is a good idea,The public security police work enthusiasm can not be fully played,making the public security police in the actual work of the enthusiasm is not high.In this paper,the study of this problem can effectively improve the level of the public security bureaus of Qingdao Public Security Bureau and enhance the enthusiasm of the police officers to maintain the harmony and stability of Qingdao City has important practical significance.Through the investigation and study on the incentive measures of the public security police officers of Qingdao Public Security Bureau,it can be seen that the incentive practice is not in place,the effect of material incentive is not ideal,the lack of personal growth incentive,the lack of honor incentive effect,and the need to strengthen the security incentive The In this paper,this paper attempts to solve some of the problems of the proposed countermeasures:scientific work analysis,a clear assessment criteria;careful work evaluation,to determine the job level;the implementation of competitive posts,access to fair opportunities;select high-quality assessment staff,360 degree assessment;to determine a reasonable assessment cycle,do a good job of performance appraisal communication and feedback;establish a fair competition in the job promotion system;establish a fair and reasonable wage distribution system;expand the content form,improve training quality;strengthen the spirit of incentives,Incentives and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incentives, Police, Management
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