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Research On Legal Issues Of The South China Sea Rescue Cooperation Among Countries

Posted on:2018-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W LiangFull Text:PDF
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The South China Sea as one of the world's most important trade area,its safety and stability relates to the vital interests of neighboring countries and even the global trade partners.Maintenance of navigation security in the South China Sea,to provide efficient search and rescue service,strengthen cooperation and exchanges on search and rescue,this is not only the guarantee of life at sea,to property safety,but also to promote national economic and trade show the study on the relevant legal issues.Therefore,the South China Sea Search and rescue cooperation between countries has the practical and necessary.This paper focuses on the legal issues related to the South China Sea Search and rescue cooperation between countries,described from the two elements of substantive cooperation and cooperation program.In this paper,all the countries in the area of responsibility of the maritime search and rescue cooperation as well as the prevailing system cooperation as a substantive cooperation;the procedural cooperation is divided into emergency rescue stage and to suspend or terminate the stage.Through the analysis of the state of oneness between the South China Sea Rescue During the process of the two elements,the problems and their causes,this paper puts forward how to build cooperation mechanism between the search and rescue countries in the South China Sea,and improve the mechanism and legislation of maritime search and rescue cooperation in China.The first chapter is an overview of the cooperation between countries of the South China Sea rescue problem.Based on the definition,summarize the particularity of the South China Sea rescue,analysis of the South China Sea rescue cooperation between countries,which leads to the South China Sea rescue cooperation between countries.The second chapter of the South China Sea rescue cooperation system.Through the existing search and rescue practice,discusses the substantive elements of search and rescue cooperation system and procedural elements,and explain the connection between the two,from the logical analysis of search and rescue cooperation system.The third chapter reveals the cooperation between countries of the South China Sea rescue and the possible causes of the problems.From the South China Sea rescue cooperation between countries have problem representation,then it analyses the deep-seated legal issues behind the existence of the problem,namely the disputed waters,harmless traffic theory and the search and rescue convention to join,impact on cooperation in the South China Sea rescue between countries.The fourth chapter puts forward the South China Sea rescue cooperation mechanism between countries and China in the South China Sea rescue cooperation in the role.In between the countries in the South China Sea rescue cooperation mechanisms should focus on the content,summed up China should promote the construction of the South China Sea National search and rescue cooperation mechanisms to promote regional cooperation agreement between the South countries concluded bilateral or search and rescue agreement.
Keywords/Search Tags:South China Sea, Maritime search and rescue, National cooperation, Legislative proposals
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