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A Study On The Legal Cooperation Mechanism Of The Maritime Search And Rescue In The South China Sea

Posted on:2013-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330374460055Subject:International law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the world’s busiest waters in the South China Sea, one because of the complexity of the marine environment and make a variety of maritime distress incidents occur frequently. Substantive cooperation with the South China Sea search and rescue is limited between the individual countries, to protect the safety of lives and property at sea the majority still rely on separate national search and rescue operations, the international search and rescue in the South China Sea cooperation mechanism is imperative to establish. Therefore, to study the cooperation mechanisms of the international search and rescue in the South China Sea has a strong theoretical and practical significance. To establish the international search and rescue cooperation mechanisms in the South China Sea for the purpose of search and rescue-related international conventions and the relevant legal norms, to build the mechanisms required for the specific system, provides direct legal and institutional support for the South China Sea search and rescue cooperation. And applying analytical, comparison and linking theory with practice and other methods to ensure the scientific nature of the cooperation mechanism.In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts:First, the definition of maritime search and rescue, characteristics, and the similarities and differences and salvage. Clear connotation of maritime search and rescue, and laid the theoretical basis for the specific international search and rescue in the South China Sea cooperation system.Second, the necessity and legal basis for the establishment of international search and rescue cooperation mechanisms in the South China Sea. The need for the establishment of the mechanism, reflecting the importance of establishing the international search and rescue in the South China Sea cooperation mechanism; the same time, through the analysis of the relevant conventions and domestic laws and regulations to determine the feasibility of the mechanism in the law.Third, analysis of the various systems can learn from the South China Sea, the international search and rescue cooperation mechanisms. To analyze the various systems of legal norms, to identify mechanisms for cooperation, laid the institutional basis of the relevant national search and rescue cooperation in building the international search and rescue cooperation mechanisms in the South China Sea may have a specific system of reference.Fourth, to build the system of international search and rescue cooperation mechanisms in the South China Sea. This section includes the division of the search and rescue area of responsibility, to determine the in charge of cooperation and coordinating authority and national search and rescue assistance system. Specific system constructed to provide specific reference to the practice of international search and rescue co-operation in the South China Sea.This paper analyzes the relevant international treaties and laws and regulations, the creation of the system in the South China Sea search and rescue cooperation mechanisms, and the specific operation of the system proposed the initial idea. Hope that research can play a valuable role in real terms to carry out international search and rescue cooperation in the South China Sea.
Keywords/Search Tags:South China Sea, maritime search and rescue, Cooperation mechanisms, SystemReference
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