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A Study On The Hollow Phenomenon In Border Villages Of Yanbian Prefecture

Posted on:2018-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515954664Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the reform and opening in 1978,with the ra pid development of industrialization and urbanization,Chinese socioec onomic transformation developed dramatically.Thus,A large number of r ural populations,mostly young adults,flow into the city left many em pty houses,and the hollow phenomenon gradually expanded from populati on to land,industry and infrastructure.Due to the village planning la g,imperfect land management system and permission system for homestea d,cultivated land occupation becomes increasingly fierce,so that rur al great land resources are seriously wasted.The emergence of a larg e number of "hollow village" has become the most common and direct p henomenon of rural development in China.Based on the analysis of the meaning,forms and influencing factor s of "hollow village",this study tried to make a comprehensive under standing of the hollow phenomenon in villages.Through the research of hollow villages of YanBian Prefecture,thi s study tried to emphasize the special geographical position and the Korean national characteristics of YanBian Prefecture.In the new norm al,to govern the hollow phenomenon in YanBian Prefecture is not only the strategy need to develop TuMen River Area,but also the realistic need to construct a harmonious society and build a well-off societ y in an all-round way.Based on the survey,this study found border vil lages in YanBian Prefecture is undergoing the hollowing out of its po pulation,homestead idle,infrastructure lagging situation,and insuff icient provision of public services.It will bring extremely seriou s consequences on economy,such as rural labor shortage,low level of industrial development,and low rural financial revenue.To govern th e hollow phenomenon,this study suggest some countermeasures:we shoul d build YanBian into characteristic town,so as to promote its industr ial restructuring and upgrading;build a perfect external support syst em to promote home-going workers establish their business starting;en sure equal access to basic public services for all;improve the Acquis ition system of land use right for rural homestead;increase financia 1 input to protect the security and stability of the border.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural hollowing out, YanBian, economic risks
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