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Presentation,Mobilization And Participation

Posted on:2018-09-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330515483935Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,the "seven gentlemen" event as the object of study,the so-called "seven gentlemen" event mainly refers to the national government authorities to "crimes against the people",in November 1936 morning in Shanghai arrested seven people,include Shen Junru,Zou Taofen,Zhang Naiqi,Li Gongpu,Sha Qianli,Wang Zaoshi,Shi Liang,then moved to Suzhou,held in the Jiangsu High Court Detention Center.The event broke out in November 1936 to February 1939 formally withdrew the indictment,which lasted two years and three months.Article from the media perspective to re-examine the "seven gentleman" event.The main body of the article to four chapters of the space to start the "seven gentlemen" event research.The first chapter is the background of the "seven gentlemen" event.The introduction of this chapter avoids the traditional "background introduction".The contents of this chapter are carried out in three aspects:the influence of the "seven gentlemen" in the newspaper industry,the influence of the "new event" on the "seven gentlemen".The quality of the "background" possessed by the community of intellectuals is another clue to this article.The first section of this chapter examines the "seven gentlemen" as the community of intellectuals,mainly because of the "seven gentlemen" as an independent individual,at the critical moment of national crisis,to explore the method of national salvation,they did not because of their political differences on the differences "alone",but for the common goal of anti-Japanese salvation,solidarity,positive external,this is the traditional Chinese intellectuals on the specific patriotism,unity and unity,called "background" the quality of the same strain.And really let the "seven gentleman" to the identity of the community to face the national government arrest is due to the early seven press practice.Although there were differences in the early press practice of the seven people,it was not difficult to find that the early press practice of the seven early newspapers was to find the way of revitalizing the country.Until June 1,1936,the establishment of the National Federation of National Salvation Association,seven people rely on the National People's Congress to continue to serve the goal of anti-Japanese national salvation,published a total of relief view."Emerging events" after the outbreak of the "seven gentleman" was once arrested for the Du Chongyuan call sign,they also continue to be threatened by the threat from the national government.They are always the same,to the national crisis as their responsibility.And one of the lines is the media perspective of the "seven gentlemen" event from the presentation to the participation process.The second chapter of the "seven gentlemen" event to do a general presentation.Because the fragments involved in the "seven gentlemen"event are diverse,through the collection of information to see,"seven gentleman" from the arrest to the release of this one end of the presentation,can make people on the "seven gentlemen" event is general the knowledge."seven gentleman" was arrested at the beginning,due to the national government on the news of the blockade,so break in the cracks in the "seven gentleman" arrest news is particularly rare.From the earliest disclosure of several newspapers,"Li News ","Huamei Evening News","declaration" reported analysis,the media reported on the arrest of seven people is more to inform the public about the fact that seven people were arrested.And then triggered the public on the "seven gentlemen" concern,especially for the seven people were concerned about the crime,through the press coverage and published Feng Yuxiang to Chiang Kai-shek's secret data and other information to "seven gentlemen" arrested the truth"spread like wildfire." Section III "seven gentlemen" after the dangerous and finally released from prison,"the victory of the struggle",through the media illustrated,once-again supported the seven "save the nation" facts.The media on the "seven gentleman" event,reflecting the media in the "seven gentlemen" event "narrator" role.The third 'chapter mainly discusses the media from the perspective of the mobilization of the "seven gentlemen" event.This section mainly through the analysis of media in the"seven gentlemen"event in the mobilization of public opinion of the two strategies and emotional mobilization to start.Among them,the fact that part of the main selection of"declared" on the "seven gentlemen" event reports to examine this is different from the"Central Daily" and "salvation intelligence" and "third party platform" is how to express the"seven gentleman" attitude.The study found that from November 23,1936-August 5,1937,the "declaration" published a total of 56 reports on the "seven gentlemen"event.And through the combination of different reports genre,reported on the time focus,such as the "seven gentlemen" in June 11 and June 25 two consecutive concerns of the trial,which from June 8 to 15,Eight days serial "Shen Junru and other letters of defense",you can see the"declaration" to guide the public attention to the "seven gentlemen" incident,the expression of the rescue "seven gentleman" intention.The emotional mobilization part,the author is divided into two sections to discuss.The second section shows how the media play a role in the mobilization of the media from the legal,political and human aspects.The third section is mainly by the "seven gentleman" event of the media on the national-national identity of the emotional mobilization.Whether it is the fact that the situation or emotional mobilization,we can see the media on the "seven gentlemen" event to mobilize public opinion to play the"guide" role.Through the analysis of the text can also be found,the Third Plenary Session of the National Government issued a declaration,so that the media in the report of the "seven gentlemen" event,more good at using the three plenary "Dongfeng",constantly adjust the reporting strategy,"seven gentlemen" public opinion mobilization.It can be seen that the media in the "seven gentlemen"event for public opinion,in the grasp of the report on the basis of strategy,but also good at "homeopathy".The fourth chapter,on the basis of the role of "narrator" and "guide" in the media,provides the expression space as the "public platform" medium for different actors involved in rescuing the "seven gentlemen".These different audiences are Soong Ching Ling and other patriotic democrats,the Chinese Communist Party,Zhang Xueliang,ordinary people.Different subject of the "seven gentleman" event enthusiasm and participation activities show significant differences.Soong Ching Ling and other patriotic democrats from the"seven gentleman" was arrested to "seven gentlemen" release,has been good at using the media to create a rescue "seven gentleman" atmosphere.The Communist Party of China is also actively through the media issued to rescue the "seven gentlemen" appeal.In addition to the people strike,petition,procession and other activities,but also good at using newspapers and other media for the rescue "seven gentleman" event.
Keywords/Search Tags:The "Seven Gentlemen"Event, Media Perspective, Presentation, Mobilization, Participation
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