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The Research On The Legal Responsibility Of Equity Crowdfunding Platform

Posted on:2018-03-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,internet banking has made a rapid development in china.Since 2013,equity crowdfunding platform gradually raised in our country,whic h provides new investment channels for ordinary investors.As an intermediary between the two parties,equity crowdfunding platform connects investors and issuers through the Internet platform,mainly provides financing platform for iss uers,audits qualification of project information,to solve the minimally invasive enterprise urgent financing needs and various asset allocation for investors.Eq uity crowdfunding industry has formed a certain scale and pattern after several years of development,but because of the laws and regulations lag,lack of su pervision and other reasons,there are still many problems in the development of the equity crowdfunding industry,we should make a further research.In this paper,we collect the relevant data equity crowdfunding of the dom estic and international,and on the basis of conscientious study and preparatio n,we start to research the development of China's equity crowdfunding activiti es.First of all,the article analyzes the concept and the status of equity crowdf unding platform,introduced obligations and legal responsibilities of the platform to investors and issuers.Secondly,the paper analyzes the legal risks of invest ors in the equity crowdfunding,including the legitimacy of equity crowdfundin g,the risk of contract fraud,the risk of lack of effective exit mechanism,the risk of capital pool.Furthermore,the paper study the legal relationship and lia bility of equity crowdfunding platform to raise public equity of participation in the main analysis of the activities of the congregation to investors and issuers,and mainly focus on intermediary relationship between the platform?investors and issuers,analysis equity crowdfunding platform shall bear the liability for br each of contract and tort liability.Finally,put forward suggestions on improvin g the legal responsibility of equity crowdfunding platform,clear equity crowdfu nding platform positioning,regulate the standard leader legal responsibility,esta blish and improve the exit mechanism for investors?to cnotract and perfect ent erprise credit system construction,strengthen the management and protection of investor,in order to improve equity crowdfunding mode,promote the further t he development of equity crowdfunding industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Equity crowdfunding platform, Legal responsibility, Investor pr otection
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