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Reach On The Related Legal Issues Of Intellectual Property Protestion In Museum

Posted on:2017-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the development of museum industry, some intelligence product value appeared. However the current laws has not clear stipulation on museum intellectual property, the concept behind the protection makes museum also has some problem in the protection process of their own intellectual property resources.This article through to the museum of intellectual property legislation, practice description,analysis met museum in China in the process of protecting intellectual property in dispute and legal difficulties,including the qualification of the subject of dispute, the object scope is unclear, the exercise of rights is unknown etc. In addition, though China's existing laws and regulations, this article discusses the museum as a subject of intellectual property resources rights has the feasibility and legitimacy, intellectual property rights object scope shall include the copyright, trademark right, patent right, as well as the museum in the exercise of rights should have restrictions and protection.Through these three aspects, clarify the museum of intellectual property protection of its resources and the problems encountered.Based on the above discussion, the article finally proposed to explore the establishment of the museum of intellectual property management system.Through the improvement of relevant legislation and give the museum resource management qualification, formulation of museum objects of intellectual property standards, specification museum of intellectual property rights exercise, established specialized intellectual property management agencies, the establishment of intellectual property trading platform.Revitalize the intangible assets of museum resources, promoting the development of the museum industry, in order to improve the museum of intellectual property management, use and protection mechanism, improve the museum of intangible assets utilization efficiency, solve the problem existing in the process of protecting intellectual property.
Keywords/Search Tags:museum, intellectual property, patent, replica
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