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Comparative Study Of Marx And Habermas' S Theory Of Interaction

Posted on:2017-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330503471457Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The great revolution of the theory of interactive practice is introducing communication history, fully concerned about the interaction between people and people, people and society,devoted to the complete liberation of human ultimate concern, and realized the conversion of historical thinking frame. Marx based on labor practice and theoretical paradigm and in the perspective of historical materialism analysis of human society, revealed human nature was the sum of social relationship, the formation of practice in communication was the core of philosophical paradigm theory of interactive practice. Habermas creatively analyzed the modernity of communication problems, based language symbols as the basic principle, in social communication form ethical discourse, in the hope of communicative rationality and social rationalization, formed with each other between subject and object of international relations theory of communicative rationality, to cope with modern philosophy of the powerful impact.Marx made a clear definition of “real man” on the basis of labor, which was the theoretical basis of the material production activity, and the change of the historical form of human interactiion. The theory of communicative rationality is the philosophical paradigm what its reflection on modernity. Habermas constructed the diplomatic relations with the language to construct the establishment of diplomatic relations to the rational view, in order to achieve the capitalist social criticism and rationality, from a new dimension of philosophy of the social evolution theoretical explanation and reconstruction of the communication paradigm of Marxism.Comparative analysis of Marx and Habermas' s theory of interactiion, providing theory supplies for Chinese characteristic socialism modernization practice, based on basic principles of Marxism and the rational kernel of communicative rationality theory.It is the gist of the theoretical implications to adhere to the Chinese Marxism interactive concept, promote the development of the public sphere healthy and boost the development of modernization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Habermas, The Practical of Interaction, Communicative rationality
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