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Administrative Decision-making Legal Responsibility Research In China

Posted on:2017-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2336330485975865Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's China is comprehensively deepen reform key historical opportunity,a distinctive feature of this period mainly for the masses demand multiple personality,frequent social contradiction,all of these social phenomenon,the government management function is gradually universal from the traditional to the modern service to speed up the transformation.Since the SARS outbreak in 2003,"administrative decision-making legal responsibility" has become a well-known public high-frequency words,will be incorporated into the orbit of the rule of law in administrative decision-making responsibility,not only beneficial to the construction of responsible government,and is beneficial to the demand of the citizen rights and interests protection.Should see is at the same time,because of the sealing ability in the process of administrative decision-making operation,in the actual process of accountability is still exist some problems,main show is held accountable consciousness,responsibility is difficult to define,accountability system remains to be further improved.So we must face up to some of the problems existing in the administrative decision-making accountability,further speed up the building decision responsibility culture,clear accountability main body functions and responsibilities,to give the people a more independent criticism supervision,system rigidity and the resultant force to restrain administrative decision-making behavior may be random capricious,build in supervision of National People's Congress,government responsibility,justice,public participation,in accordance with the decision of institutional innovation path,through the clear administrative decision effective operation of the legal responsibility to regulate administrative decision-making.The legal responsibility of administrative decision is based on the basic principles of administrative law of unity of power and responsibility,its connotation is when the decision-making in the process of administrative decision-making for decision-making errors,poor decision-making,illegal decision and protracted behavior lead to the loss of social public interests,shall bear the corresponding legal responsibility.Throughout the administrative accountability practice decision-making process,can be clear and direct the social public,the news public opinion field and the supervision to the administrative decision-making responsibility system perfect important role,can be intuitive specific game,feel the strength of various system between the powerful system evolution,the process is both the policy makers in the reform of the system of "drew not like a" strong determination,also showed the concentration power critical self-reflection and self reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Administrative decision-making, The legal responsibility, Responsibility
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