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On The "Shrinkage" And "Stretch" Of Free Layout In Poster Design

Posted on:2019-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ShaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330566459810Subject:Visual communication and media design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a basic course in graphic design,layout design has been influenced by social environment and artistic style in different periods during its development.Based on the early classical layout design and the traditional grid design,the free layout design sprung up and became a popular trend in modern layout design.Compared with the previous format,it not only has the function of conveying information,but also can satisfy the spiritual and aesthetic needs of people in this era.This new form of art has been followed by most young people in the process of development,but it is facing many problems in practical application.Since the free lanyout design has distinct visual expression features,most designers have no intention to arrange the form of the picture in the creation process.The blind change of layout structure and the destruction of the layout principle is not "freedom",it lead to a lot of messy results in the layout arrangement,also ignore the real theme and emotional connotation behind the page content.These "freewheeling" arrangements are not the original intention of free layout design.Good layout design works do not purely bring visual sensory stimulation to the audience,it should meet the aesthetic needs of audience and contain a profound meaning on the functional basis of passing topic information."stretch" refers to the tension in the layout design and the new design thinking,while "shrinkage" refers to the layout principles and methods formed in the development of layout design.The relationship between "stretch" and "contraction" is complementary rather than independent,so the generation of free format design does not mean the negation of traditional grid layout.In the process of its developing and extending,we still need to improve recognition of the basic rules of the layout design,and make the ongoing innovationthe with treating traditional gridformat design as a reference standard.Merge the two together to form the free layout principles.Poster design is the most common type of print ads in our daily life,it is also the most can reflecting the page layout style and art tonality of the carrier,so this thesis mainly in poster design as the research object,through the comparison of traditional grid layout and free layout analysis page of text,graphics,color poster three layout application of visual elements and the freedom to study the expression,to discuss how to change the inherent design thinking,make free format poster design at the same time of constantly breakthroughs layout rules,but also in the traditional grid format of design standards for effective control,make the page layout do "shrinkage" and "stretch".This has widened the road in the field of layout design and related choreography,which has certain reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Free format, layout rules, poster design, free expression, shrinkage and stretch
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