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Inquisition Art Of Hequ Folk Songs

Posted on:2019-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330566459803Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hequ folk songs are a kind of Chinese traditional folk song music.It is rich in content and unique in style.It has profound cultural connotations and spiritual values.It profoundly reflects the social history,people's life,and their ideological habits at the time.At the same time,the local natural and geographical environment,economy,language,humanities and culture,and lifestyle It also determines the lyrics,music,singing style and singing style of Hequ folk songs.However,with the development of society,changes in people's lifestyles,and pressure from other forms of music,fewer and fewer people are able to understand and sing folk songs of the Hequ,and the listeners are even rarer.The detailed arranging and research of singing methods is Rarely,the inheritance of Hequ folk songs gradually presented a crisis of faults.Therefore,this paper analyzes the living environment,lyrics,and music of the folk songs of Hequ through collecting and sorting literature and field surveys,and uses the folk inheritors of folk songs of Hequ as research objects to scientifically sculpt their singing skills and style characteristics.Combining with the author's own practice,he summed up the thoughts of singing folk songs of Hequ and singing in school classrooms.Finally,he analyzed the current situation and influence of Hequ folk songs,and put forward his opinions on the protection,inheritance and development of Hequ folk songs.This article consists of three parts: introduction,text,and conclusion.The introductory part elaborates on the topics of selection and its significance,research status,research methods and significance.The main body consists of four chapters,of which the first chapter outlines the natural geographical environment,the historical origins of the folk songs of Hequ,and the folk cultures such as clothing,food,shelter,transportation and so on.The second chapter is about collecting and sorting the folk songs that have been handed down.The folk song data analyzes the lyrics and musical forms of the folk songs of the Hequ.The third chapter is the focus of this article.Through the interviews with several inheritors of the folk songs of the folk songs of the folk songs of Hequ,the characteristics of the singing of the folk songs of Hequ,the singing styles,and the rhythm of singing are summarized.Deal with the author's own practice,and talk about the experience of singing folk songs in Hequ in the classroom.The fourth chapter is the author's opinion on the current situation and development of the folk songs of Hequ.The last is the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hequ folk songs, singing style, singing in the classroom, inheritance and development
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