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Analysis Of The Janger?s Spiritual Qualities

Posted on:2017-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D SuoFull Text:PDF
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The Janger is a long heroic epic from Mongolia,it is referred to ?three major epics of ethnic minorities in China? with Tibetan long heroic epic ?Gesar? and Kirghiz long epic ?Manas?.The epic tells the story that warriors headed by King Janger,tenacious resistance against the enemy in order to protect their ideal country "BaoMuba".The epic use war as the main line,combined with marriage,sworn brothers,family affection and many other contents,creating many unique,noble hero images,reflecting the Mongolian excellent spiritual qualities such as intrepidity,unity and honesty.From the epic we can see the whole outlook on life,values and world view of Mongolian.This article use the method of rational analysis,explainingtherational root of the excellent qualities of the hero,exploring the inspiration and influence that these qualities of the hero in the epic to contemporary Mongolian through analyzing these qualities of the hero in the epic.This article mainly consists of four parts: the first part briefly discusses characteristics of the epic which is a unique literary form and social background and unique social organization form,sorting and summarizing the social features of its formation age;secondly,through the epic literature analysis method,summarized the excellent qualities of the warriors headed by King Janger;thirdly,through the method of rational analysis,analyzingthe excellent qualities of the hero in the epic,searching for rational support and root of thesequalities;finally,introducing the thinking how the excellent spiritual qualities influence to the later generations and the social development relationship,fully aware of the modern significance of these qualities in the Janger.
Keywords/Search Tags:Epic, The Janger, Spiritual Qualities, MongolianPhilosophy
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