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The Performance Skills Analysis Of Tema Con Variazioni For Clarinet By Jean Fran?aix

Posted on:2019-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H D HaoFull Text:PDF
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Jean Fran?aix was a French neoclassical composer who has an extrodinary musical talent,considered by many scholars to have a musical talent similar to Mozart.He was a prolific composer,writing pieces in many of the major large musical forms.This article will use the performance skills of Francis' s Tema Con Variazioni as the analysis object,make an in-depth analysis of the theme and variation in this song,and make a detailed description of Performance skills and musical expression in the passage through spectrum examples.Tema Con Variazioni is one of the works of modern clarinet which is very rich in musical expressiveness and playing difficulty.The music in the song covers almost all the clarinet ranges,and the rhythm is complex and varied.Different rhythm often alternating,giving a sense of instability.It is needed to play attention to rhythm and speed control while practicing the work.This article will analyze this work from three chapters.The first chapter is about the analysis of the theme and six variations of performance skills;the second chapter is about the difficulty of practicing in the song.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fran?aix, Clarinet, Neoclassical, Performance skills
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