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A Report On The E-C Translation Of The Story Of Westminster Abbey (Chapter 9-Chapter 11)

Posted on:2019-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is written on the basis of translating The Story of Westminster Abbey by the English author Violet Brook Hunt.The material of this translation project describes the complex relations between the Westminster Abbey and the royal family.The story of Westminster Abbey reflects the development of British religion and history.While familiarizing themselves with this abbey,readers of this book can learn about the changes of British history as well as the rich and brilliant cultural legacies associated with the abbey.This book is about history and full of real events.The beautiful language,the rhetorical devices and the clear structure make this book a historical work of literary style.In translating this work,not only the information of the original text should be conveyed to depict those historical events,but also the style of the book should be kept so that readers can appreciate the beauty of the language,thus,functional equivalence theory of Eugene A.Nida was adopted as the guidance of this translation practice.As to some vocabularies,long sentences with complex structure and those rhetorical devices,translation methods and strategies like conversion,amplification and literal translation or free translation were used to achieve semantic equivalence and present the culture of the original text.As to the early modern English in the material,ancient Chinese was used to reproduce the language style of the source text,making the readers of source language and target language have the same reaction.This translation practice has further strengthened the report writer's belief that good preparation before translation is a must.Meanwhile,translators should pay attention to details,broaden their horizons,take the whole sentence,paragraph and even the passage into consideration and do constant revisions.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Story of Westminster Abbey, functional equivalence theory, early modern English
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