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A Translation Project Report Of Regional Implications Of An Independent Kurdistan(Chapter Four)

Posted on:2019-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J NiFull Text:PDF
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Nowadays,soft power has been increasingly becoming an indispensable component of a nation's comprehensive strength.With the development of China,the domestic political life becomes more complicated,with more problems from all areas facing government officials.Therefore,the Chinese government thinks it necessary to establish its own intellectual apparatus,for example,a think tank,which can provide suggestions on decision-making and possible solutions.At present,most of the influential think tanks in the world are from overseas.They pay attention to international political,economic and military events,and do long-term prediction on the basis of current situation,imposing effects on a country' s political,economic,military and foreign policies.As a result,the translation of research reports published by these foreign think tanks is getting more and more significant.This is a project report on the translation of a research report Reginal Implications of an Independent Kurdistan,which was issued by Rand Corporation in November 14,2016.This research report aims to analyze the influence of an independent Kurdistan in the northern Iraq on its neighbors and the whole region.With rich information and clear structure,this report introduces the background of the Kurdistan 's pursuit of independence at the beginning,then analyzes the regional implications of an independent Kurdistan in detail,and makes a conclusion at the end.The author has translated some sections of the fourth chapter.They are:Turkey's Long Opposition to Kurdish Independence,Turkey's Change of Heart,Turkish Policies Promote KRG Autonomy and Eventual Independence,Turkey 's Reaction to Various Scenarios,The Influence of Kurdish Nationalism,and Conclusions.Involving much related background information and cultural knowledge,the original text is characterized by using long and complicated sentences,passive sentences and nominalization,thus the author needs to think twice when translating.The author identifies the original text as an informative text according to the Text Typology by Katharian Reiss,who divided texts into four types:informative,expressive,operative and auto-medial texts,and gave the corresponding translation skills as well.When translating an informative text,the translator needs to attach importance to transmitting the information and adopt the TT-oriented translation strategy.Therefore,domestication translation is mainly used in this project.Translation methods like conversion are also often used;long sentences are divided into several short ones;most passive sentences are converted into active ones.In that case,the information of the original text can not only be correctly transmitted,but also the readability can be taken into consideration.Through doing this translation project,the author has benefited a lot and gained much experience.Translation of this type of text is important for China to develop its own think tank and the information consultative industry.The author hopes that this project report can promote more translation of research report in China and provide some reference for similar translation practice as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:conversion, text typology, informative texts
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