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The Research Of The Jades In The Shijiahe Culture

Posted on:2018-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
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In November 2014,Shijiahe site's archaeological work was started again,five urn burial in Tanjialing excavation site unearthed a large number of jade.Like the butterfly effect,Shijiahe culture jades become the focus of academic research once again after years of silence.Shijiahe culture's jades unearthed mainly in Shijiahe culture which was belong to the medium term and advanced sites,those jades are variety and unique shape.Besides,they contains the original religion ideology and the sense of rich cultural connotation,provides rich and important information for research and restoration of the late Neolithic Age in the middle reaches of Yangtze River culture.In this paper,firstly,the paper analyzed the typical jades of the Shijiahe culture using to the typological method,then,the paper studied the stages and zoning of the Shijiahe culture's jades,according to the age of unearthed jades articles.Secondly,this paper analyzes the cultural factors in the jades of the Shijiahe culture,using to analysis of cultural elements.The study found that the Shijiahe culture had close exchanges with the Liangzhu culture,the Taosi culture,the Shimao site and the Longshan culture.At the same time,the research found that the main source of Shijiahe culture's jades is the cultural factors of Liangzhu culture's jades,besides,the local culture,Lingjiatan culture,Shimao site's cultural factors also have an effect on them.The main effect of the cultural factors of Shijiahe culture's jades is the Erlitou culture and Shang dynasty culture,besides,it also affected the Taosi culture and the Shimao site.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shijiahe culture, Jades, Archaeological Studies
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