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Research On The Pilot Study Of Agricultural Mechanization Of Luancheng County In 1970s

Posted on:2019-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G G LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542955245Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agricultural machinery is a common tool used by all countries in agricultural production.Because of the defects of old agricultural machinery and the continuous development of agricultural production,in 1830 s and 1840 s,many blacksmiths and farmers began to make new agricultural machinery to solve the shortage of labor in agricultural production.The advantage of using the agricultural machinery is that they can reduce the dependence on farmers' labor and make the farming more timely in the busy harvest period,it also helps to expand farming area,promote the development of agricultural production.After the founding of China,agriculture made great contribution to China's economic development.Under the leadership of the CPC central committee,China successfully completed the land reform and agricultural cooperative movement,and then established the people's commune.In order to restore and develop agriculture,the Party and government began to lead farmers to supplement old agricultural implements,improve agricultural production tools,add new tools.After Chairman MAO raised the idea of “First cooperation and post mechanization” and “the basic realization of agricultural mechanization in 1980”,in order to quickly achieve the goal of agricultural mechanization in the country,the country began to develop agricultural production mechanization,learn from Dazhai,make the pilot,and carry out a vigorous movement.In 1977,Luancheng county was successively established as a pilot project for agricultural mechanization in the whole country and province,and once reached the climax of agricultural mechanization movement in Luancheng county.This paper takes Luancheng county as the research object,and mainly to use macroscopic grasp and microcosmic concrete instance analysis to combine and other research methods.This paper mainly inspects the background,process,result and significance of agricultural mechanization movement in Luancheng county,as it is national,provincial agricultural mechanization pilot county in the 1970 s.The full text includes three parts,introduction,main text and conclusion.The introduction mainly introduces the theoretical and practical significance ofthe pilot study in Luancheng county during the agricultural mechanization movement in Hebei in the 1970 s.It combs the research status of reforms,introduces the research methods used in this paper,and explains the article's research ideas.The content of the text is divided into three parts.The first part mainly describes the historical background of the development of agricultural mechanization in Luancheng county.Firstly,in terms of nature and human environment,Luancheng county is located in the North China Plain,with a flat terrain and a large area of cultivated land.Since ancient times,it is a large agricultural county.The people here live on agriculture,most of the early life materials and production materials come from agriculture and they have rich experience in agricultural production.These production bases,together with their excellent ecological conditions,are very beneficial to the development of the agricultural mechanization movement;Secondly,it focuses on the status of agricultural production after the liberation of Luancheng county.From the beginning of the liberation of the land reform movement,the majority of peasants in Luancheng county undertook the construction of mutual aid groups and agricultural cooperatives under the leadership of the county party committee and the county government,finally,they established the People's commune and gradually improved the system of agricultural production organization.Under the people's commune system,Luancheng county began its early exploration of agricultural mechanization and laid the foundation for the future development of agricultural mechanization;Again,it summed up the development of agricultural machinery after Luancheng county became an advanced county in agricultural learning in Dazhai.The cadres and masses of Luancheng county set the goal of jointly striving for the realization of agricultural mechanization at this time.It laid a foundation of selected as a pilot for agricultural mechanization and pilot construction work in Luancheng county;The second part,comprehensively introduced the development of various tasks after Luancheng county became a pilot county for agricultural mechanization,it is the main part of the full text.Firstly,it introduced the development of china's agricultural mechanization.Taking the development of the national agricultural mechanization movement as the background,the overall analysisof the reasons,processes and results of the construction of agricultural mechanization pilot sites in Hebei province;Secondly,it focused on the construction of the Qiema Commune of Luancheng county in 1974 after being selected as the pilot for agricultural mechanization in Hebei province.In the process,the project focused on the development of the agricultural mechanization of the pilot community.Again,it was the establishment and establishment of experimental sites for agricultural mechanization in Luancheng county and the climax of the development of agricultural mechanization in Luancheng county.The mass agricultural mechanization movement was fully carried out in Luancheng county.Finally,with the introduction of household contract responsibility system,the development of the agricultural mechanization movement in Luancheng county has also entered a low tide,and agricultural production has a new development of construction.In 1978,after The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee,the county party committee implemented the economic system reform in rural areas throughout the county,and gradually implemented a production responsibility system that focused on small forms of contracted work.In 1981,the county party committee and the county government changed the form of the responsibility system into production for households.By1982,the county had implemented 578 production teams that had reached households.In 1983,the land was contracted to peasant households according to the population and labor force,the production team was revoked,and a new system of family contracted management was implemented.The peasant households became independent production and operation units with land use rights.At this point,the agricultural mechanization movement based on the People's Communes has completely disappeared,and the application of agricultural machinery in agricultural production has also entered a new stage of development;The third part is the effectiveness and enlightenment of the pilot project of agricultural mechanization in Luancheng county.The construction of agricultural mechanization pilot project in Luancheng county has not only improved labor productivity,promoted grain production,but also cultivated a technical team.As a result,Luancheng county has also developed agricultural mechanization and its agricultural production also hasChina's characteristics.However,some problems have also arisen in the construction of agricultural mechanization pilots.The operation,use,and management of agricultural machinery of county community agencies also have certain limitations,and they need to be constantly considered and resolved to promote the further development of agricultural production.The development of China's agriculture in the new period has certain reference significance.All localities must seize and make use of the experience and inspiration provided to promote the development of local agricultural mechanization.Conclusion part,through the pilot construction of agricultural mechanization in Luancheng county,the agricultural development level in Luancheng county has been improved,and at the same time,it has also brought effective development experience to various regions.However,the limitations in the development process also require local governments to make specific plans and solve problems in a timely manner to ensure the healthy development of agriculture production in all regions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luancheng county, agricultural mechanization movement, pilot
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