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The Research Of Xu Ke's Ci

Posted on:2018-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330542492676Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xu Ke,born in late Qing and early Ming dynasty,is a Ci-poet studying under famous scholar Tan Xian.He has fulfilled various achievements,while most present researches are focusing on historical textual criticism of Compilation of Social Stories and Anecdotes in Qing Dynasty but haven't put much attention on his achievements in Ci works.By conducting researches on Xu Ke's life and social relationship with Tan Xian,Zhu Zumou,Kuang Zhouyi,Xia Jingguan and so on,this thesis illustrates the impact of his social life on his Ci works,through which represents the outline of the stories when he took Nan Ci-writing Group and Chongxin Ci-writing Group.It has also analyses those social activities' influences on his works and his Ci creation ideas.By conducting textual researches on the circulation of Lidaicixuanj iping,Qingcixuanj iping and Lidaiguixiucixuanjiping,the author presents that Xu Ke's Ci works has expanded the Ci selection scope of Changzhou Ci-writing Group and enriched the history of Ci.By conducting textual researches on the circulation of Qingdaicixuegailun and jinciconghua,the author found Xu Ke's creation ideas has inherited from his teacher while absorbing the advantages of various other schools,which makes his Ci works representing a further development on the basis of the theory advocated by Changzhou Ci-writing group.Through the researches on the circulation of Xu Ke's Ci works,the thesis mainly analyses the content and artistic feature of his works,expressing his works shows a clear understanding of Ci's history and embodies the advantages of other schools,which makes his Ci works unique comparing to other counterparts.In short,Xu Ke has made a great contribution to the development of the theory of Changzhou Ci-writing Group by his own researches on Ci and Ci's history.At the same time,his opinions on Ci have also shed some light on the development of contemporary Ci works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xu Ke, late Qing and early Ming Dynasty, Ci anthology, Ci theory, edition, the history of Ci
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