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A Report On The Subtitle Translation Of "The Legend Of Mi Yue"

Posted on:2018-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of the China's economy,China's international status has been increasingly improved.At the same time,China has begun to attach great importance to improving its soft power,so that more foreigners can learn about China.As a popular entertainment,TV drama series can be used as an effective way of spreading Chinese culture.Subtitle translation can guarantee the successful broadcasting of the Chinese TV drama series in foreign countries.This paper tries to do some research on the subtitle translation of The Legend Mi Yue,a Chinese newly produced series,from Chinese into English.Based on the subtitle translation of The Legend of Mi Yue,this paper found out some special features which are different from other types of text,which become barriers in translating,like time-space constraints and cultural factors.This paper will put forward feasible translation strategies under the guidance of relevance theory.The thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter One serves as an introduction part,presenting the research background and the source of this project.Chapter Two discusses difficulties met in translating The Legend of Mi Yue,including time-space constraints,cultural factors.Chapter Three introduces the main concepts of relevance theory in which subtitle translation is discussed,pointing out that subtitle translation is a dual ostensive-inferential process.Chapter Four puts forward some corresponding translation strategies under the guidance of relevance theory regarding translation problems confronted in the translation process of The Legend of Mi Yue.Those strategies include condensation,reductive paraphrasing,transliteration,literal translation,paraphrasing and substitution.Chapter Five makes a conclusion of what have been learned in the subtitle translation of The Legend of Mi Yue.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Legend of Mi Yue, subtitle translation, relevance theory
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