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On Hannah Arendt's Conception Of History

Posted on:2018-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536960796Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The conception of history is not only a copy,more accurately,which is a kind of historical consciousness that people form about the law of the history.The study of history is an inevitable in the field of philosophy.With the historical nihilism prevail,the research of the history is especially important.In the paper,the topic is Arendt's view about history,when she faced then crisis and looked at the modern historical consciousness.First of all,the first part briefly describes the background and the theory origin,which emphasized the theory origin of the concept of history with the political essence.The second part expounds the basic content of Arendt history,including three parts:one hand,discussing the reflection of Arendt about the current history.then discussing the composition of the history,including the main body and theme.Once again,the reflection under the perspective of Marx's historical view is the key point.Through the comparison of Arendt's and Marx's,we can study the misunderstanding of Arendt about the history of Marx;so that discussing the correct of the history of Marx.Finally,the paper dialectical understand Arendt's history to study the possibility to overcome the history nihilism,and to assist the construction of harmonious society.Above all,although Arendt's concept is very useful to overcome the historical nihilism,she misunderstands the core of Marx's,that she can't transcend the limitations of itself.Hence,we must adhere to the theory of Marx's,to explore the history of human development,so that we can overcome all the crisis in the modern society,make people free all-around development,and realize the development of the harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Arendt, History, Historical Nihilism
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