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Two Tendencies Of Ideology Theory

Posted on:2018-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H XiaFull Text:PDF
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Gramsci and Althusser carried on the pioneering research to the ideology along the Marxist tradition after Marx realized the revolutionary revolution of ideology theory research.Gramsci put forward his theory of ideology on the basis of reflecting the logic of the development of the Second International and capitalist politic and economy.Starting from the class consciousness,Gramsci advocated the proletarian's victory in the proletarian revolution through the positional warfare of seizing cultural leadership,thus opening up a new battlefield of cultural and ideological struggle.As for the double dilemma of the abuse of humanism and the prevalence of dogmatism,Althusser applied the structuralist approach and the theoretical anti-humanism principle to give ideology the new meaning and characteristics.He put forward the theory of ideology State machine and ideological subject inquiry.This original understanding not only opened up a new realm of ideological theory,but also realized the paradigm shift of ideology theory,which is the second Copernican revolution after Marx's theory of ideology.Although Gramsci and Althusser's ideological theory belong to the Marxist ideology theory tradition,the two have their similarities and differences.Their essence is that they developed the Marxist ideology from the way of value and the scientism respectively.Gramsci's theory of practical Philosophy is the basis of the tendency of ideological value orientation.Cultural Leadership is the construction of the tendency of ideological value orientation."Positional Warfare strategy" is the path of the tendency of ideological value orientation.Althusser analyzed the ideological motive of ideology from the reproduction of social production relationship,explained the unconscious nature of ideology and the function of state machine by means of structuralism,and pointed out that theoretical practice is the scientific way out of ideology.By comparing the two tendencies of Gramsci and Althusser's ideology,it is found that Gramsci's ideology value theory tends to emphasize the important role and foundation of practice for ideology,and attach importance to the leadership of ideology Problem as the core of the role of the value of the play,as well as the value in the field of ideological and cultural criticism to achieve.The Althusserian ideology theory tend to oppose the ideology of humanism,advocates opposition between ideology and science,emphasizing the ideology of the unconscious nature and the function of the state machine,highlighting the restriction and objectivity from ideology of the value subject.Although there are some differencesideological value orientation and ideological scientism orientation represented by Gramsci and Althusser,they are opposite and complementary,which is the development of Marxist Ideological Theory in essence.The ideology is essentially a problem related to the value of scientific theory,only when we deal with the relationship between value and faith and truth and Science can we clarify the ideology theory of Gramsci and Althusser.This research is of great benefit to the construction of Marx's guiding,scientific and humanistic ideological theory and practical practice in our country.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gramsci, Althusser, ideology, the tendency of value, the tendency of scientism
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