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Research On The Development Of Paleontological Resource' Animation

Posted on:2018-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330536482819Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of social economy and the popularization of scientific and cultural knowledge,the domestic resources of our country have gradually attracted the attention of the public.The scientific and cultural knowledge has gradually entered the view of the public,especially the knowledge of the geological science.Popular topic of interest.Animation is the most concerned about the current cultural industry,in recent years,China has introduced a number of policies to encourage and support the development of cultural and creative industries,especially in the cultural and technological integration.Animation with a natural affinity,rich artistic expression closely follow the current era of cutting-edge technology innovation,with the changing circumstances of the times,information technology of digital progress,animation forms and content is also more abundant,animation and high-tech digital technology Combined with its creativity and communication has played a great role in enhancing,it is completely changed the public access to knowledge,transmission of information,appreciation of cultural channels and ways.At the same time,modern and contemporary animation is also responsible for the dissemination of scientific and cultural knowledge,promote scientific and artistic integration and promote the common development of related industries an important role.Animation is not only an art form,but also the media of cultural communication,the mass of animation,contemporary,artistic so that it can always maintain high attention,high attraction,very appealing,affinity,always able to adapt to the times and the public Demand,to become the public,especially the most popular groups of young people are most likely to be widely disseminated and accepted art form,is a can go beyond the language,beyond the borders,beyond the nation's international common language.China has a very rich and rare world of fossil fossil resources,fossil resources are non-renewable resources,with important scientific value,cultural value and economic value.The Guanling biota discovered in Guanling County,Guizhou Province,is the most abundant,the largest and most abundant marine fossil treasure in the world.It is the rare and rare resource of our country.It is the first discovery in our country.Late Triassic vertebrate fossils are also unique in the world.China has not only rich in paleontological resources,but also in the field of paleontology.Over the past few years,China has made great achievements in the fields of paleontology,and has made great achievements in the field of paleontology.The forefront of paleontology research in China has also laid the theoretical foundation for the development of paleontological resources.However,the world's rare ancient fossil resources are not well known,and the value of paleontological resources is very few.At present,there are few studies on the development of paleontological resources,and the research on the development of palaeontological resources is related to the study.A small number of related research is also based on the theme of Paleontological Park tourism development,or the ancient biology resources as an animation material,how to promote the development of cartoon resources,a small number of related research and rarely related to the ancient animal resources Practice exploratory research.Based on the innovative research direction and perspective,this paper puts forward the development of cartoon into the development of paleontological resources,discusses the meaning and function of animation for the development of paleontological resources,and proposes that animation can effectively promote the integration of science and art,narrow the distance between science and mass,So that the ancient biological resources become easy to accept and understand,with affinity,animation can innovate the paleontological knowledge of the way and means of transmission,can enhance the effect and expand the influence;the same time,the integration of animation industry development can bring high for the ancient resources The economic benefits,thus arguing that the development of paleontological resources is an effective way.The paper can be divided into three parts:The first part is the introduction,which mainly introduces the background of the topic,the significance of the research,the research situation in the relevant field,the research method,the innovation point and so on.The second part includes the second chapter and the third chapter,the main contentis the animation and Guanling paleontological resources related to the overview of the characteristics and advantages of animation,Guanling paleontological resources development status and problems,this part of the study is to follow And lay the foundation for the feasibility and necessity of the development of Guanling paleontological resources.In the second chapter,the concept of animation in contemporary context and the expansion of contemporary animation are expounded,which are discussed from traditional animation and modern animation.Put forward the cartoon of contemporary,artistic,popular,open and other advantages and characteristics.The third chapter is the related introduction of Guizhou Guanling paleontological resources.This paper discusses the economic and cultural profiles of Guanling area in Guizhou,the causes of the formation of Guanling biota,the types of resources and the conditions of resources.The Guanling biota has been able to preserve such a high degree of integrity.The quantity is so large.The Guanling biota is mainly composed of marine reptiles,the most famous of which is Hailong,fish dragon and sea lily,and explains the resource characteristics and development value of Guanling paleontological resources.In the last section,the present situation and existing problems of the development of Guanling paleontological resources in Guizhou are analyzed.Through the analysis of the present situation of the development of Guanling paleontological resources,the author summarizes: the specialty is too strong to be accepted,,Chaos mining,waste of resources is serious.The third part includes the fourth,fifth and sixth chapters,which is the main body of the research in this paper.It is mainly related to the research on the correlation between the animation and Guanling paleontological resources,and the practice research of Guanling paleontological resources is carried out.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the significance and advantage of the development of Guanling paleontological resources.This paper analyzes the present situation of the development of Guanling paleontological resources in the context of animation,analyzes the significance of the development of Guanling paleontological resources in the development of Guanling,and carries out the development of Guanling paleontological resources according to the present situation and problems of Guanling paleontological resources development This paper analyzes the conditions and driving factors of the development of animation and animation,and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of animation industry.The fifth chapter mainly discusses the practical exploration of the development of Guanling paleontologicalresources based on the research of the ancient bioremediation related projects which the author has participated in,and discusses the whole conception of the development of Guanling paleontological resources.Finally,the sixth chapter summarizes the viewpoints and achievements of this paper,and puts forward the shortcomings of this paper and the prospect of future research.It is hoped that the exploratory study on the development of Guanling paleontological resources can make some inspiration or reference to other related research,and can throw the first brick for the development of palaeontological resources,and promote the integration of culture and science and technology Development,to achieve cultural creativity and cultural and creative industries,animation industry,cultural tourism industry and other related industries of the development of research has a certain role in promoting.
Keywords/Search Tags:paleontology, animation, development
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