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The Influence Of Network Buzzwords On College Students' Values

Posted on:2018-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330521951382Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The network buzzword is a new form of language produced by the rapid development of the Internet and widely popularized.It is simple and humorous,which has profound meaning,with distinct effect,strong creativity and pluralistic connotation.It has attracted people's attention and Favor,and becomes an important way and content of people's language communication.As a kind of externalization of thought,Language has the value of the main sense to create and spread.The network buzzwords as a new form of language and its production must also have the creator and communicator's values and attitude in dealing with the value of the relationship.Active,open,easy to accept the characteristics of new things,as well as strong herd,seeking different psychological,thus making College students become the main force of the network society,the main creators users and communicators of network buzzwords.Therefore,the formation and development of college students' values in the network social environment must be influenced by the network buzzwords.There are many kinds of network buzzwords,good and bad,positive network buzzwords can help college students to establish the correct values,and those negative vulgar network buzzwords will erode college students.Guiding the network buzzwords plays a positive role in cultivating the values of college students.Through the use of questionnaire survey,interview and literature,and based on the basic theory of Marxism and the latest theoretical achievements of the Party Central Committee on the construction of network information and socialist core values since the 18 th CPC National Congress,this paper discusses the network buzzwords and The Interrelationship of College Students' Values.This paper has five parts.The first part is introduction.The second part is the introduction of network buzzwords and values.The third part is the introduction of the network buzzwords' impact on college students' values.The fourth part is the network buzzwords to the college students' values.The fifth part is the network buzzwords on the impact of college students' ideas.The relationship between the network buzzwords and the college students 'values can be deeply analyzed,which can be used to analyze the new situation of the university students' values education in the process of accepting,using and disseminating the network buzzwords,the influence and the change of the values,New problems can provide useful countermeasures and suggestions to help college students cultivate and practice the socialist core values,but also to explore a high degree of prosperity in the context of the Internet to achieve Marxist values in China,modernization and popularization of new ways.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network buzzwords, College students, Values
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