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The Study On The Vulgarization Phenomenon Of Xianxia Television Drama In The Context Of Consumption Culture

Posted on:2018-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Y YuanFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of market economy and the increasing expansion ofthe cultural market in China, TV drama market has also gained its development.XianXia television drama has long been one of those popular TV dramas. However,the hidden vulgarization of the XianXia television drama is coming to stage and hasbecome a pitfall for it. Starting from this point, this thesis explored the current situation of XianXia television drama and the vulgarization phenomenon in it, thecoarse phenomenon in XianXia texts, the causes for this phenomenon, its influencesand the avoiding strategy for it.The first chapter clarified the concepts of XianXia television drama andVulgarization, and then it described the development of the vulgarizationphenomenon in XianXia television drama, which is germination, development anddeterioration. This process showed the seriousness of vulgarity in the TV dramamarket. On the basis of the theory of narratology.The second chapter probed into the representation of the vulgarizationphenomenon in image-text from the perspective of theme expression, charactermolding and audio-visual language. The theme is becoming shallow because of itsdeparture from the theme of chivalrous as well as the growth of the theme of loveand the loss of the growth along with the weakening of inspirational theme. Besidesthat, the character has been shown to be vulgar due to the ignorant lines and absurdactions. The over-consumed Visual Culture and the homogeneity of music creationalso caters to the vulgar taste of the audience.The next chapter revealed the reasons of the appearance of the vulgarizationphenomenon in XianXia television drama in the aspects of the context of the times,the change of creating concept in the creator and the psychological need of theaudience. The coarse phenomenon is the products of the relatively loose examinationcriteria, the interaction among different cultures and the assistance of the networkmedia. What's more, the change of creating concept and aesthetic concept of the creator can be the direct causes. Apart from that, the psychological need of theaudience also provides it with constant consumer market. The following chapter ?discussed the influence of this phenomenon on TV drama producing, the aesthetictendency of the audience and the whole TV drama industry, and it also pointed outthe significance of restraining the development of this phenomenon.Finally, the paper attempted to bring forward the approaches to avoid thisphenomenon based on the previous researches. The creators should keep in mind thetheme of the dramas, pay attention to artistic expression of the works so as toimprove the aesthetic taste of audience. State Administration of Press, Publication,Radio, Film and Television should well play its role in inspecting this kind of TVdramas to present audience with works of high quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xianxia television drama, the vulgarization phenomenon, consumption culture
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