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Self-therapy Documentary Studies Under The Narrative Psychology

Posted on:2018-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Self-therapy Documentary is a new type of documentary with its own narrativecharacteristics which were my stories told by myself.These characteristics was built upon certain purposes. Self-therapydocumentaries were usually created in low tides, in which its creators suffered somemajor setbacks in life and lost original identity. So they intentionally chose this way toheal the problem and regain recognition. The cure could be effective because thesecharacteristics coincided with the narrative psychology therapy.Using the theory of narrative psychology, this paper studied narrative of Self-therapy Documentary. The first chapter was the overview on first persondocumentary, including concept definition, and development profile and generatedcontext. The second chapter analyzed first person documentary respectively from narrative and discourse. The narrative feature manifest itself as "my story". Whereas.the discourse feature is "told by myself". The third chapter argued the interaction of narrative and psychology treatment. Subject, personal and open narration deconstructed the hegemony of mainstream narrative, and created spaces for marginalnarration; multilayer narrators and loose narrative structure alienated problems fromstory characters, creators, audience and first person documentary itself. The alienation made problem outside, and moved the first step to solve problems. The last chapterargued the result of the above narrative therapy, which were implements of self-recognition and social identity. Both story, characters, creators, audience andSelf-therapy Documentary itself got recognition as they wished.
Keywords/Search Tags:Self-therapy Documentary, Narrative psychology, Narrative feature, Narrative therapy, Recognition
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