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A Report On The Translation Of Proposal For A New Economic Framework Based On Islamic Principles(Chapters 6-7)

Posted on:2018-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is an English-Chinese translation practice report.The source text is selected from Chapters Six and Seven of the book Proposal for a New Economic Framework Based on Islamic Principles,which briefly introduces Islamic principles on economy,the features of Islamic economic framework as well as proposals for financial framework.It is a book on economy,which is characterized by plentiful economic terms and long sentences as well as strict logic,and the target readers of the source text are those who are specialized or interested in Islamic economy and finance.Therefore,difficulties in this translation practice are mainly presented as strong professional knowledge,high logicality of sentences and the management of long sentences.Besides,there is little research on the translation of Islamic economy at present.This report mainly includes four parts.The first part is a description of the translation task,which introduces the source text and significance of the translation.The second part introduces the whole process of the translation that contains preparation for the translation,encoding the target text and proofreading.The third part analyzes the difficulties confronted during the translation process.Terminology,long sentences,passive voice and management of logicality are difficulties in this process,and the translator lists some methods to solve the problems.In the last part,some lessons learned and problems need to be solved in the future are presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Islamic economy, terminology, long sentences, translation
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