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The Exploration Of Space Language Of Martin Smith's Ceramic Works

Posted on:2018-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Martin Smith is an innovative contemporary ceramic artist in the field of space language.He focuses on the material's native expressive force and explore,and has a profound influence on contemporary ceramic art.This article begins with the space language aesthetic features of Martin Smith's ceramic works,including the origin of the spatial language of his ceramic works,the modeling technique of the space language of ceramic works and the cross-border technology of ceramic works' space language,translation of relevant information,and through an interview with Martin Smith to obtain first-hand informations.This article analyzes and classifies the works according to their chronological order,and sums up,analyzes the three-dimensional construction of the straight lines,the modeling and deconstruction of the straight lines and arcs,and the geometric modeling techniques in the space displacement.Shape and space-time language in the exploration of Martin Smith,further understanding of the humanities of the space of ceramic art implication,for contemporary pottery creation to provide some reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Martin Smith, ceramic works, space language, technology cross-border
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