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The Research Of Exhibition Design Based On Visual Process

Posted on:2018-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P L LiuFull Text:PDF
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Is the visual process of visual elements and visual symbols in the visual focus on the basis of the process as the chain,with the formation of the human vision,in order to achieve a visual aesthetic and visual process of information communication,its basic principle is decided by the characteristics of human vision.In the design field as we know,the general layout design is the visual process design in 2D space,summarizes the design practice in another batch,formed a set of widely accepted visual rules,this is a golden rule for all kinds of influence of visual design.The exhibition space is usually regarded as three-dimensional space,but in fact,he is a combination of plane and three-dimensional space,the visual process in this space also has its objective existence,they are a whole.Can let the visual process design in the exhibition space,whether it is the design of plane board,or booth showcase arrangement of the building,or to guide all aspects of the design of the exhibition line oriented design conforms to the basic law of human ergonomics,with vision,is a key point to a measure of the success of the exhibition space.Because the natural physiological characteristics of the human vision,guidance has become a basic requirement of process design vision,visual process design must meet the requirements to guide the audience vision,to achieve the efficient information communication effect,therefore,has high strength of visual communication design is the design of good.The visual guiding system set up unimpeded,reflect a clear sense of direction,the emergence of a hall with logic and movement trend guide,in order to cater to the audience,improve the effectiveness of the exhibition place message.In this paper,summarizes the concept,through all aspects of the visual process design function and form rule,give readers a basic understanding of the visual process;secondly,because of the perception process design and process of human visual perception is closely related,therefore,the psychological level and order and logical thinking should be designed visual process maintain the unity of human cognition and more consistent.Therefore,from the human visual perception characteristics and visual psychology of visual design process are analyzed,in order to remind designers in the design of visual process first need to give full consideration to the physiological and psychological factors of people;Then,the research on the application of the visualization process in the design of display,color and so on;Finally,some thoughts are made on the modern visual process design,and the inspiration is obtained,and the practical works of the graduation project are analyzed in combination with the relevant theories.Looking to the future,I believe that the visual process design will be further improved and improved with the development of display design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Exhibition design, Visual process design, Sense perception
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