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Research On Han Zhongding Corpus Of Hanwen

Posted on:2018-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518492398Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Han-wen(1441-1526),the given name is guan dao,known as zhi'an,the people of Shanxi hongtong in Ming dynasty.Cheng hua two years of Ming xianzong(1466),Hanwen achieved the first of imperial competitive examination.He worked as the matter of engineering institute originally,was ending as minister of revenue during the period of Chenghua,Hongzhi,Zhengde.He had always been able to make all effects to arrange and save money for government with no personal notoriety.Han wen had his own original ideas and deep insight of the situation.He had written numerous rich,but lost a lot.After a period,his works had made up as “Han Zhongding Corpus” of four volumes by Qiao-yinyu,the magistrate of hongtong.For study in Hanwen is less,so far only mature in Hamwen's life and the famous event of against the eunuch of Liu jin.But for "Han zhongding Corpus" ' editions,the ideological content,the respect such as the literature value were not studied.Based on predecessors' research results and combined the Han Zhongding Corpus,I hope to study on the following aspects.First,describing the family life of Hanwen and the historical background.First of all,according to the "History of Ming dynasty" and "pingyang government record",and some literature to know his family.Secondly,analysis the author's age background,roughly sketched the outline of the surrounding environment of Hanwen's activities of culture at that time.Second,this paper discusses the contributions of Hanwen.This paper discusses HanWen's Confucian standard from the relevant literature and understands his ideas of Buddhism and Taoism,so reflecting his political thoughts.In order to summary its contributions in terms of politics.Third,the paper introduces the ideological content and value of literature of “Han zhongding Corpus”.First of all,mainly through the personal achievements as well as the education station of the hongtong to understand the cultural background of Han Zhongding Corpus.At the same time to know the edition and spreading limitations of the set.Second,understand the contents of the corpus.Though the poems of "Han Zhongding Corpus " collected on to analyze the thought and artistic characteristics.Finally,this paper discusses the effects in theMing dynasty political history,literature history and social culture value of Han Zhongding Corpus.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Dynasty, Hanwen, “Han Zhongding Corpus”
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