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“X Si Wo Le” Structure And Its Related Research

Posted on:2018-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518486799Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"X si wo le" is a common structure in spoken Chinese,according to the theory of constructions,which belongs to the construction.This paper consists of three parts: introduction,main body and conclusion.The introduction explained the purpose and significance of the topic,reviewed academic research,explored the problems of previous studies,presented the theory,methods,and data sources of the research.The second chapter to the fifth chapter is the main body of this article.In chapter two,"X" was divided into two large categories of adjectives and verbs,and its characteristics are analyzed: syllabic features,monosyllabic "X" has more advantages;semantic features,the "X" in the constructions contains mostly negative connotations;diachronic characteristics,it is in the late Ming dynasty that X si wo le" got its real constructional meaning.Meanwhile,we believe that the degree meaning of "si" has connection with its metaphorical meaning."Le" shows the situation has changed,and has the function of forming a sentence.The third chapter contains syntactic,semantics and pragmatic comparison between "X si wo le" and "wo X si le" : in syntax,"wo X si le" is the typical subject-predicate structure,while "X si wo le" structure is the verb-object,which omit the subject;in semantics,there are differences in terms of semantic orientation,patient relations between "X si wo le" and "wo X si le";pragmatically,"X si wo le" and "wo X si le" are different in contextual relevancy,topics,themes,focus and the styles are different also.Subsequently "primitives are incremental" theory was used to explain the reason of pragmatic differences.Two structures are also different in frequency of use and stationarity of structure.Finally this paper summarizes the causes of difference: the nature of the "X" and the shift of the "wo".The fourth chapter "contains syntactic,semantics and pragmatic comparison between "X si wo le" and "X si ni le": in syntax,there are differences between the subject of the two structures;in semantic,the patient relationships in two structures are not the same;pragmaticly,topic and tone are two aspects we investigated differences.Finally,we analyzed the cause of reciprocal phenomenon of subject and object: "(ni)X si wo le" is formed by shifting "(wo)X si ni le".The fifth chapter summarizes the generation mechanism and motivation of construction "X si wo le".The deep reason why "wo X si le" is transformed into "X si wo le" is "cause mixing." In addition,the "theory of turn point" and "trace theory" can also be used to explain the formation of "X si wo le" construction.In exploring the motivation of forming "X si wo le",we applied "the economy principle of language" and Feng Shengli's "light verb theory".The sixth chapter summarizes viewpoints and inadequacies in this paper.Based on multiple contrast,this article will lead research of "X si wo le" construction into a deeper level and make reference to later scholars ' research.
Keywords/Search Tags:"X si wo le", construction, contrast, mix
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