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A Study Of Mo Yan 's Novel From The Perspective Of Intersubjectivity

Posted on:2018-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H G LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518465910Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper attempts to observe Mo Yan's novels in the perspective of inter-subjectivity of modern philosophy.Based on the theory of Carnival's theory of carnival and dialogue,this paper expounds the inner spirit and external art of Mo Yan's novels,reveals his carnival and dialogue The compassion in the context,the humanistic feelings and the aesthetic value.The introduction part of the thesis summarizes the domestic research literature of Mo Yan,expounds the research ideas and innovative significance of the thesis,and makes a brief combing of the inter-subjectivity theory.The first chapter briefly introduces the folk view of the novels of Mo Yan and the carnival characteristics of the square,expounds the binary isomorphism of the characters in Mo Yan's words,and from the three aspects of "good and evil","noble and humble","bravery and cowardice" This paper points out that this dual isomorphism has a profound inner consistency with the duality of carnival in Bakhtin 's poetic discourse.The second chapter explains the "misery narration" of Mo Yan's "misery narrative",reveals the writing meaning of "suffering narration" in contemporary Chinese literature,analyzes the characteristics of the narrative of its misery narration,and thinks that the narration of Mo Yan's misery narrative,Sexual spirit and compassion,can be from the "spirit and meat","light and heavy","life and death" three aspects to speak.In the third chapter,the narrative plot,narrative language and narrative technique in Mo Yan's novels are explained by Bakhtin's theory of carnivalization.The author elaborates from the aspects of "flesh image",carnival language and "space-time body" Of the distinctive carnival characteristics,and the carnival of the world is a inter-subjectivity of the free and equal world.The conclusion part of the Mo Yan novels,narrative and dialogue and carnival inter-subjectivity to do a general conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mo Yan novel, inter-subjectivity, people square, misery narrative, carnivalization
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