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A Study On Teaching Tang Poetry As A Foreign Language In Middle And High Stage

Posted on:2018-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2335330518465577Subject:International Education in Chinese
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The tang dynasty as the representative of Chinese classical poetry,rich in content,harmony in sound,and text refining.It not only contain the pronunciation,vocabulary,grammar,rhetorical aspects of knowledge of Chinese,more contains the profound Chinese culture.Based on the characteristics of the tang dynasty,the tang poetry teaching in Chinese as a foreign language,to spead Chinese language knowledge and the Chinese culture is of great significance.But the current study of tang poetry teaching is not full and concrete enough.This paper manly discusses the tang poetry teaching Chinese as a foreign language class and the curren situation of research,from many aspects discuss the use of tang poetry teaching in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.And combined with specific puts forwards some practical teaching strategies of tang poetry.In this paper,based on the characteristics of the high stage of Chinese as a foreign language students,combined with the requierments of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and the status quo.Consider the tang poetry reveals are primary and secondary school textbooks in China,and select and classification list is suitable for the tang poetry reveals hagh stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Then analyzes and summarizes their commonness.Tang poetry not only pronunciation,vocabulary,grammar and rhetorical features of knowledge as a whole,but also in the way of thinking,the spirit of philosophy and images connotation have Chinese culrural characteristics.This make tang dynasty has an irreplaceable role in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.In order to fully tap the practical value of tang poetry,comprehensive consideration in teaching language,culture and communication,etc.Combining with the characteristics of the Chinese as a foreign language class and the tang poetry,use a variety of teaching strategies.In the classroom students read,sing,paint and perform.The class is vivid and lively.Then the foreign students feel the charm of Chinese culture and language.With a lot of tang poetry teaching examples,this article tries to confirm the feasibility and the importance of the tang portry teaching in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.Put forward the specific teaching strategies,make the tang poetry teaching more operational.To fully display the charm of tang poetry in class and make it real bridge that crosses from the foreign students and Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese as a foreign language, the tang dynasty, use, teaching strategy
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